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Listen, Listen

Can you hear them calling

The Spirits are about us all

Much wisdom there to learn

For those who have the time

To sit, listen, and receive their gifts.

Swirl and Twirl

They wrap themselves around

Gentle touch, urging to sit down

Moving over me from head to toe

Whispering in my ear

Stories of long ago

Pain and anguish now revealed

This land was lush

Forests spread for miles

Game provided for the Nation

Nourishment for growth

Clothing made for all

Everything we needed, Creator given

A peaceful time of Thanksgiving

One day on yonder horizon

A large white sail appeared

Curiosity got the best of many

Strange white men standing on the shore

With smoking sticks resting in their arms

And smell of death came from their pores.

First they wanted a small piece of land

To build a house for family

Then they needed more and more

And finally took all the eye could see

This was the only promise ever kept

More and more land even to this day.

First the shore, then inland came they

Cutting, building, planting

Large parcels clear cut for their farms

Homes built of trees, log upon log

The line of spread ever growing

Till over mountains they did move

Death and Destruction followed close

Every place they moved

Accept our way or die, their vicious word command

Westward they pushed and pushed.

Children stole, and slavery sold

The line of spread just kept on moving

Where once we were a mighty People

Now reduced to small scattered Bands

The "invaders" now cover shore to shore

But the Spirits tell us patience is the way

For soon the tide will turn again

And we will regain the loss we bore

Nothing will replace those lives bravely given

To protect the family and land

But their Spirits are always with us

And if we take the time to listen

A great message for each of us to learn

Only if we take the time to Listen.

Written ByWak' Tame

July 11, 2000


The Longhouse stands silent now

A place to give honor to Creator

Treaties conducted within it's walls

Celebrations of birth, marriage and death

Long held there for many years gone past and yet to come

Long before the white man touched the shore

The People of the Longhouse were Nations five

Peacemaker with help of Hiawatha's voice

United warring tribes to work together

And peace prevailed within the Iroquois Confederacy

Onondaga, Keeper of the Fire

Mohawk, Keeper of the Eastern Door

Seneca, Keeper of the Western Door

In-between the younger brothers

Cayugas and Oneidas sit in council

Clans were long established

Basic unit of the Social structure

Seneca, largest nation, eight were recognized

Water are Turtle, Eel and Beaver

Bear, Deer and Wolf, the Land based ones

Snipe, Heron and Hawk do rule the Air

Each Nation, large or small within

Must have the Turtle, Bear and Wolf

No matter what the Clan may be

No marriage between two of same occur

The Mother's Clan the children are.

The Tree of Light or Great Peace

The Mighty Pine Tree tall does stand

Onondaga at the Center of it all

The founding of the Iroquois Confederacy

Is here and now explained.

The Branches of the Tree pierce the sky

The Roots, spread out into Four Directions

North, South, East and West, Rulers of the Winds

White Roots, Bestower of Peace and Strength

Place of Burial of the Implements of War.

Upon the back of the Snapping Turtle

The Tree of Peace does rise, giving Shelter and Protection

Who honor and respect the Law so Great

And with a peaceful stride would walk

With the Mighty Confederacy

At tree top height, the Mighty Eagle sits

Chief of all birds, it's reputation none dispute

Looks into the Eye of the Sun

Communications with Creator at all times

Warns the Nations of any danger that does approach

Lastly the Hiawatha Belt proclaims

How in time of turmoil, these Nations joined together

Representing how these who fought so bitterly

Are now united Firm and Strong

Under One government, respectful of Creator and the People.

Written By Wak'Tame

July 9, 2000


As you enter the glade

A silence hangs above and about you

You know you are on sacred ground

Observed from their lofty heights

The Spirits are watching

Guarding the Forest

Many years before man

Creator placed the Spirits

Each in the place they now abide

All objects touched and viewed

A life dwells within

Ready to do His bidding if the need arise

I have heard some argue back and forth

That when an object dies

The Spirit is freed to Creator's home return

Whether or not this is an actual fact

Tis not mine to venture humble comment

But I do know the Spirits are eternal.

If you have respect and patience

Sitting humbly there within the glade

You may suddenly discover

Those voices that you think you hear

Are in reality the Spirits round about

Sharing knowledge, help with growth

Give heed each word they impart to you

For wisdom much abounds within

Remember always, many a lifetime

Is a part of each one's life

And the time they took to teach

Becomes a reward beyond compare

Go now, but remember as you leave

The Spirits are here forever

Humbly come before them

If the need should ever arise

Have no fear, respect the wisdom

And share their gift with all.

Written ByWak' Tame

September 20, 2000


Loyalsock Creek

Winds and twists

Over rocks and boulder

Wending it way

Searching for the Susquehanna

Munsee people in days gone by

Called these banks their home

Village sites along its length

Families raised, children played

Once scarce, more abundant now again

Across the creek

The rock face rises

Lift your eyes, tilt back your head

There near the summit

Sacred places call to the brave

Handhold and ledges

Now moss covered, slippery

The path to the top awaits

Soon the Ancestors will call

The trail will reopen once more

Vison quests were held

High on the rocky ledge

Hearts right with Creator

Spirits and Ancestors spoke

With the brave ones there

Remove the clothing

Stand tall and proud

Enter the creek

Feel the cool caress

Blood of the Mother surrounds

Reach to the bottom

Hands full of sand

Vigorous scrub cleanses

Removing the stain and the soil

From the world you just left

Cross the stream

Face the challenge

Climb cautiously, carefully

Keep heart pure and in tune

Creator will watch and protect.

Ancestors and Spirits round about

Speaking and Gifting

Knowledge received with humility

An Eagle screams, then again

Vision given, tears of joy

We see the people coming

Returning from long afar

Coming back to the homelands

Villages again are growing

Children playing, happiness abounds

Land once more is Munsee

Spirits are Rejoicing, hear them sing

Ancestors presence can be felt

Creator again has shown his love

The land once more is blessed

Written ByWak' Tame

October 12, 2000

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You will find links to MANY more pgs.just by clicking on this link.We are growing so fast that we have had to make a page just for the links.Please check them out,we have added alot of new stories,poems,pictures,and some great java pictures now too.Come back often,the pages change as we grow. WintersChild

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Hi there,We wanted a way to be able to at times sent out attachments to those of you that want them.They would range from maybe a new Wallpaper,or a Wintersworld calender,a new poem or story,pictures,and even tubes.But in order for us to do this we had to add a new sign up site.The one we use for the WintersWorld update newsletter is not sit up to send attachments or even imbedded images,so we'er going to try this new site for you that WANT ATTACHMENTS or IMAGES!!Just click on the button and it will take you to the sign up place.Also you CAN join BOTH !! Also we want you to know that at NO time will your name be known to anyone other than myself and oldguy. ALL d/ls will come from US ONLY!! And they will be scanned and virus free!!.One last thing.We can not control the way that your server will handle these,so there will always be a d/l along with an embedded image for those of you that can not see images.Ok thats it..We hope you will like this ideal.If you DO PLEASE let us know!.Thanks much...
Winters and oldguy
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While I tried to be very mindful of what pictures and other images I used to make my site I know that there is always that possibility I may have used something in doing so that was not mine to use.Please if you see anything on any of my pages that belongs to someone else just let me know,and I will remove it,or give credit to that person.
Thank you..Peace to all..Winters Child