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Once, we were like the geese,
whose spirit is to stay together.
Once, we fanned the fragrance of burning
with the sacred eagle feather.

Once, we respected our spirit helpers,
we listened to what they had to say.

Once, we would purify ourselves in a sweat bath,
at the dusk of a given day.

Once, we lived in harmony with everything,
above and below the trees.

Once, we had strong and healthy bodies,
we had no worry about disease.

Once, the elders warned to keep the circle strong,
and respect every traditional belief.

Once we did not heed their words,
our lives became filled with grief.


I Wonder

I wonder what the Creator
Must think of his creation now,
When he looks down and sees what man
has done to whom and what and how,
How we have fouled the waters
That He made pure and sweet,
How we have turned the fields of grass
into so many busy streets.
How in the name of progress
we have plundered and destroyed
that, which when He created it,
brought Him so much joy.
When He sees how much of His creation
we have exterminated,
I wonder if He wonders
why He even made it!

August 1999
Marty Soaring Eagle


The Wolf is my strength
The Dolphin my love
The Eagle my Free Spirit flying above
The Buffalo roaming
The Swan my serenity
The Ocean my calm within the heart of me
The Bear is my power
The Earth my stability
The Trees a moment of my life, reality
The wind is my breath
The rustling Leaves my song
The Moon my desire, for which I long
The Sun is my warmth
The Stars my dreams
The Rocks are for friendship and what it means
Look and see the inside of me
That I am all of these
The Independence in me

Written by
Debbie Martin

Giving Thanks

Creator gifted us all with his spirit
He gave us all the one precious gift of all
To give him thanks for all things
Righteous and Honorable
Prayers of Thankfulness is what
He deserves
Doing the right things is what he
asks us to do
Each day as you walk on Earth Mother
take them in gentle steps
Care for all the creatures,
protect her from pollution
Doing these things will save
what he has given us
The lands he gave was given to us
We are the caretakers
Others have tried to take them away
But they don't realize that once again
they will be returned to the rightful ones
Take the time to talk to those who are close
and close hearted
Let them know that all these things belong
to us all
We share all, we are not selfish
So praise Creator for all the beautiful
things here upon Earth

(c)1999 Written By Svnoi Wahya

Click On Pictures For Links

You will find links to MANY more pgs.just by clicking on this link.We are growing so fast that we have had to make a page just for the links.Please check them out,we have added alot of new stories,poems,pictures,and some great java pictures now too.Come back often,the pages change as we grow. WintersChild


Please Save The Wolves...Thank You

Please come back and sign my guest book after seeing the rest of my site,I really would like to know what you think.

Graphic Mailing List


Hi there,We wanted a way to be able to at times sent out attachments to those of you that want them.They would range from maybe a new Wallpaper,or a Wintersworld calender,a new poem or story,pictures,and even tubes.But in order for us to do this we had to add a new sign up site.The one we use for the WintersWorld update newsletter is not sit up to send attachments or even imbedded images,so we'er going to try this new site for you that WANT ATTACHMENTS or IMAGES!!Just click on the button and it will take you to the sign up place.Also you CAN join BOTH !! Also we want you to know that at NO time will your name be known to anyone other than myself and oldguy. ALL d/ls will come from US ONLY!! And they will be scanned and virus free!!.One last thing.We can not control the way that your server will handle these,so there will always be a d/l along with an embedded image for those of you that can not see images.Ok thats it..We hope you will like this ideal.If you DO PLEASE let us know!.Thanks much...
Winters and oldguy
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While I tried to be very mindful of what pictures and other images I used to make my site I know that there is always that possibility I may have used something in doing so that was not mine to use.Please if you see anything on any of my pages that belongs to someone else just let me know,and I will remove it,or give credit to that person.
Thank you..Peace to all..Winters Child