I hear the thunder in the sky...
The pounding hooves as they fly by.
Warriors riding in the deafening roar.
With bows at ready to do their chore.
A buffalo will give of itself today.
Its' spirit will rise as the people pray
To thank his spirit for the meat
That will give the people food to eat.
The Great Spirit gave to this land.....
A way to live with what is at hand.
Not one part will go to waste....
Nothing was done without thought in haste
This Sacred animal provides for us.....
A way for humankind to survive as we must.
There is a lesson here that must be learned......
Even the given must be earned.
While I tried to be very mindful of what pictures and other images I used to make my site I know that there is always that possibility I may have used something in doing so that was not mine to use.Please if you see anything on any of my pages that belongs to someone else just let me know,and I will remove it,or give credit to that person.
Thank you..Peace to all..Winters Child