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Winters World

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A Place

There is a place
few dare to go,
A place dark as the night.
It is a place
that must be traveled
by faith,
and not by sight.

It is not a place
for the faint of heart,
or those controlled by fear,
or those who can only accept
what they can see, or feel, or hear.

It is a place
that lies deep
within the human heart,
A place that many of us
only know in part.

For some it is a place
of refuge and of peace,
For some it is
A place where the noise
and turmoil cease.

For some it is a place
of love and ecstasy,
For some it is a place
of heartache and misery.

For some it is a place
where they confront
their greatest fears,
For some it is a place
where they shed a millions tears.

For some it is a place
where battles are won and lost,
For some it is a place
to be avoided at any cost.

For it is in silence
where we confront ourselves
one on one,
And decide what we are going to do
and deal with what we have done.

For it is in silence
we get to know ourselves for real
For it is in silence
that we really fine out how we feel.

For it is the place
where all can be said,
where the truth is really told,
It is the place called silence,
the mirror of the soul.

written by Marty Soaring Eagle January, 2000

Rise To Manhood

Four days of fasting stand before him
No food, limited water is allowed
Preparation for the vision quest
Rites to manhood have now begun

Eagerly sought and long awaited
The passage rite so important
A child for now, soon adult
A place of honor to assume in time
The cleansing sweat this day begins
Four gates honor seasons and the gifts
His uncle sits across and leads
Hard not to show the pride he feels

The sweat lodge is behind them now
The climb to the heights looms long
Placed by his uncle, his ordeal begins
He in the circle sits and prays.

A day, night, and day pass by
No vision yet has come to be
The clouds darken, thunder rolls
A cold wet night will prove to be.
Lightning flash and thunder crack
Rain pelting, washing, cleansing
A vision comes upon the child
He rises arms outstretched, he reaches high
Joyous yells echos off the hills
A youth has just crossed over
An adult has been born this day
Dancing Squirrel are you ready?

written by Wak' Tame - August 20, 2000

Bounty Of This Land

I hear the thunder in the sky...
The pounding hooves as they fly by.
Warriors riding in the deafening roar.
With bows at ready to do their chore.

A buffalo will give of itself today.
Its' spirit will rise as the people pray
To thank his spirit for the meat
That will give the people food to eat.

The Great Spirit gave to this land.....
A way to live with what is at hand.
Not one part will go to waste....
Nothing was done without thought in haste

This Sacred animal provides for us.....
A way for humankind to survive as we must.
There is a lesson here that must be learned......
Even the given must be earned.

written by Swift Eagle

I have today

Perhaps tomorrow i will see
what i don't see today,
Perhaps tomorrow i will know
what i should have known anyway,
Perhaps tomorrow i will hear,
and clearly understand,
my place, my role, my purpose in
the Creator's master plan.
Perhaps tomorrow i will clearly see
the path i am to take,
Perhaps tomorrow i will comprehend
the difference i can make
in the lives of others
as i run my race
and am faithful to the end.
Perhaps tomorrow the finish line
will finally be in sight,
Perhaps tomorrow at the end of the tunnel
i will finally see some light.
But until tomorrow
i still have today.
Tomorrow seems so far away,
and yesterday has too soon gone by,
All i have then is today
in which to live or die.
i have today
to make my plans,
and my work to do,
i have today
to make peace with myself
and to find a love
that is true.
i have today
to reach heights of joy
or sink into despair,
i have today
to show compassion
or that i don't really care.
i have today,
this fleeting moment,
for there is no guarantee
That when today becomes yesterday
another tomorrow i will see.
Written By Marty Soaring Eagle February, 2000

Click On Pictures For Links
You will find links to MANY more pgs.just by clicking on this link.We are growing so fast that we have had to make a page just for the links.Please check them out,we have added alot of new stories,poems,pictures,and some great java pictures now too.Come back often,the pages change as we grow. WintersChild

Please Save The Wolves...Thank You


Please come back and sign my guest book after seeing the rest of my site,I really would like to know what you think.

While I tried to be very mindful of what pictures and other images I used to make my site I know that there is always that possibility I may have used something in doing so that was not mine to use.Please if you see anything on any of my pages that belongs to someone else just let me know,and I will remove it,or give credit to that person.
Thank you..Peace to all..Winters Child