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*fist to heart salute*
Bright Blessings, Sisters and Brothers!

We are absolutely delighted you wish to join our community. Joining our tribe is really simple however before we proceed, there are a few things we must go over:

1) In order to join the sub group you must be 13-20 years old. If you are under this age criteria or over it you can not join Amazon Dawn. If you are under the age limits we need to talk, as the lower side is negotiable at this point, but not the other end. Please be aware that when you request membership for the Yahoo Groups tribe list and your age is unclear, I WILL ask for your age before I approve your membership. If you do not reply within the week, I will assume you are no longer interested and will deny your request.

2) Subscription to the Amazon Dawn mailing list at Yahoo Groups is COMPULSORY. Please be aware that this is not an option but a requirement. The mailing list is where we hold our discussions and where you will be informed of any news within the Amazon Dawn community and updates of the Amazon Dawn website. If a member form is filled out but there is no request for membership for the mailing list, you will be automatically added.

3) New members will be STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to introduce themselves upon joining. The same encouragement goes out to participation. We are a cyber community. Communication is the tribe's life line. Amazon Dawn will keep growing and evolving by the grace of the input of it's members. Think about it. The more people ho speak up, the merrier.

The purpose of Amazon Dawn is to help young men and women learn and explore the ancient Amazon culture. It also provides the means of exploring the Amazon Spirit within each of us. By joining this group you also become part of our tribe and have full access to the Amazon Dawn Website. As a member of this group you will learn about being an Amazon in a modern society.

Furthermore, you are encouraged to read the
Origins of the Tribe. Hopefully, it will give you a better idea of what this tribe is all about and will inspire you to perhaps even join us.

Please consider this decision to join our Tribe carefully. Though we'd love it if you'd join us, we want to make sure you are fully aware of what it means to join the tribe and that you feel comfortable. If you have decided to continue forth and join us, then please proceed. If not, we will kindly escort you back to the Main Page. Thank you for your time. With Artemis' blessing, our arrows fly true.

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(c) Antianara. Page set featured on this page created by Antianara for Amazon Dawn.