Zell Dincht

Game Info

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-Helpful hints
-Gameshark codes
- GF's
-Eyes On Me lyrics
-World Map
-Item List
-Limit Breaks
-Enemy List
Character Bios.

-Raijin and Fujin
Card levels

-Level one cards
Level two cards
Level three cards
Level four cards
Level five cards
Level six cards
Level seven cards
Level eight cards
Level nine cards
Level ten cards


-Win my Award
-Records and awards of my page

-My links page
- Take my Quiz

-MIDI songs

- Contact me


Age: 17

Height: 5'5"

Zell is an agressive person with a happy-go-lucky attitude. He is known to act on impulse rather than thinking things through. He wants to be like his grandfather (a martial arts soldier) but according to Seifer, he will never be anything more than the "chicken wuss".
