Many Pagans/Wiccans take on a new name to symbolize their rebirth into the path they have chosen. This name is referred to as the magickal name. Many take on two names: a public name and a secret name that is only used in the presence of the Divine. I have one name: Antianara Miaka. I used to have two (Jade was my public name and Antianara was my Craft name), however after awhile, I decided only to keep Antianara. Antianara is me. I feel like I've always been Antianara and always will be. I have only recently added Miaka. Antianara is the name of an ancient Amazon queen and Miaka is a character from the popular anime Fushigi Yuugi. In this series, Miaka is a Priestess. I chose Antianara because of my interest in the Amazons (see Amazon Dawn) and I chose Miaka not only because of the Priestess connection but also because I wanted an Asian-type name (I am Chinese). There are many methods to acquire your own name. Many emerge from dreams, meditation, divination, or you can simply choose a name that fits, whether it be the name of your favorite God or Goddess (Pan/Diana), the name of a character from your favorite story or legend (Merlin/Beowulf/Oberon), the name of a plant/gem/animal/etc... (Ash/Jasper/Dove)-- it's up to you. Also, when looking for a name, pay attention to associations (i.e. Athena is associated with wisdom). Again, choose a name that fits. There may come a time when you wish to change your name or add to it. That's fine. A name change may reflect one's spriitual growth. Whatever the case, listen to your heart. You'll find your name.
To give you some ideas for a magickal name, try the random magickal name generator below.
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