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(c) Meilin Wong. Used With Permission.

"Do you ever put your arms out and spin and spin and spin really really fast? Well that's what love is like. It makes you heart race and turns the world upside down. But if you're not careful; if you don't keep your eyes on something still, you can lose your balance. You can't see what's happening to the people around can't see that you're about to fall." -Practical Magic

Merry Meet and welcome to my webpage! My name is Antianara Miaka (formerly known as Jade). This is my pride and joy. This is the new and improved version of my original Wicca page "Jade MoonBlossom's something or other". :) As you can see, my name has changed and so has my webpage. This new version took me maybe a month to build and since its completion, has been up and running for more than 3 years now. :) This page hasn't been updated for a while. For a while, I just didn't have any inspiration. Today (October 28th, 2001), I was browsing around and suddenly decided to checked up on it. Looking over the numerous pages, I remembered how much work was put into the making of this page and, encouraged by the number of page hits and the wonderful feedback all of you have left me in my Guestbook, I've decided to start adding to it again. This is a page dedicated to the beginner Witch. When I started on the path of Wicca 6 years ago, I remembered I was often lost. I wanted so much to learn however I didn't know where to start. I created this webpage for all those starting out on the path, looking for a good place to start their research. That's what the first few steps are...research, research and even more research. Much of the information on my webpage is's just enough to start you off. Once you've got the basics down, there are lots of links for you to explore, webrings to can go anywhere from here. If there is something you're looking for that is not on my site, please send in a request (see request box below) for a page and I'll see what I can do. :) Anyways, I've kept you long enough and so, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you to "Spellbound". Hold on to your broomsticks 'cuz here we go!

~*~About the Webmistress~*~


The Craft Basics

The Divine

Useful Tools

What's New
Awards I've Earned
Vote for Spellbound! (My Spirit Page)
My Page Guardians
More Guardians
Message Board
The Witchy Network
Things I Support
More Webrings
Front Page
Frequently Asked Questions
Glossary of Wiccan Terms
A Wiccan Creation Story
The Charge of the God
The Charge of the Goddess
The Wiccan Rede
The Wiccan Rune
The Witches' Creed
The Thirteen Goals of a Witch
The Five Points of Magick
The Law of the Power
The God
The Goddess
Pagan Deities
The Greek Pantheon
Tools of the Craft
The Sacred Altar
The Book of Shadows
The Pentacle
Magickal Names
Magickal Symbols

Magickal Correspondances

The Mystical


The Sabbats
Oils & Incense
Other Correspondances
The Chakras
The Tarot
Recommended Reading
Pagan Music
You Might Be Pagan If...
Your Treescope
Sailor Moon
Amazon Dawn

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*fist to heart salute* Hello there, traveller! This little section's caught your eye, eh? :) The project I have been working on for the past year is "Amazon Dawn", the webpage for the Amazon Dawn tribe to which I am the Moderator. Amazon Dawn is the sister tribe of Spirit Amazon, a web community of modern-day Amazons. Spirit Amazon is an amazing group of men and women of all races, sexual orientations, and even religions (though the group is largely Pagan in nature) who have gathered together to learn about the ancient Amazons. Amazon Dawn was created on the 20th of August 2000 for the younger members of the Spirit Amazon community. It is a place for young adults to gather and share ideas, thoughts, interests and to learn about Paganism, goddess-religions, Amazons of old and what it means to be a warrior in this day and age, all without adult influence. Anyone between the ages of 14 and 20 is welcome (come on guys!). If this tribe sounds of interest to you, I strongly suggest you check out the tribe webpage by clicking on the link below. If you like what you see and are within the age limit, I invite you to join us! If you are older and wish to join, I invite you to join the main tribe, Spirit Amazon.

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~*~"Spellbound" Last Updated: October 28th, 2001~*~

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