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Our Investigations

This is where you will see what investigations we have done, and what ones we are currently doing.
Recently, we are investigating a private residence. Scroll down to read a little more about it.

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Waverly Hills
We have several pics from the old hospital (which are posted in our album). We have seen shadowmen, and shadow-snakes, and a tiny point of light that is hard to describe. Tim also heard whispering voices during one of our investigations there. We tried to get video and evp, but nothing showed up on either.

Bethany Memorial Cemetary
There was one area of the cemetary that was most active. While taking pictures there and gathering audio recordings, Tim saw an orb go past a bush. We have some great pics from this paticular area as well, and a sparkler and mist too. We didn't get any evps, though.

Louisville Memorial Gardens This was the place that we gathered our very first EVP's from. Needless to say, it was a good investigation. We got some really nice orb picsand one or two REALLY nice streamer pics as well.

Waverly Hills Sanatorium
Time:2230 hrs
Brief background of location: A defunct tuberculosis hospital constructed @ the turn of the century. It is often reported that approx. 63,ooo persons may have perished @ the facility during what America called “The White Plague”. It is likely closer to the truth that 6-7,000 may have been possible. Death records have been exhaustively researched but many of them no longer exist.

Discarnate beings reported to have been seen there include a little boy and girl, a maintenance worker, a nurse, shadow people, “sparklers” and pin points of light. Supposedly positive for credible EVP.

Pre-investigative statement: We will be using only standard equipment during this investigation and a written report for posting to the website will follow. It should be noted that the tour group will be large and therefore unnecessary noise will be a factor. Request was made for a private tour and request was denied @ this time.

Morning of 10 Sept. 2005 Our fifth investigative tour of Waverly last night was eventful as it usually is.

Shadow people were very active last night, following our tour group of approx. 20 people from the second floor to the conclusion of the tour.

Shadow people were very active on the 3rd and 4th floors last night, with a few in the group claiming to have been brushed or touched by the discarnate figures. Neither I nor Tiffany were touched at all.

There were temperature drops and cold spots despite the fact that it was an unusually muggy and humid night. EMF meters were not set off a single time during the investigation although the shadow people broke the beams of several laser pointers and were seen crawling on the walls and ceilings, and they approached our group several times last night. At one point, our tour guide and a volunteer from our tour group walked northwest down the hallway about 30 feet away from us and looked back and asked if we could see them. We replied yes and both the tour guide and the audience volunteer stated that they could barely see us, as if we were being enveloped in darkness progressively.

Low light video and digital audio have yet to be reviewed but the still shot digital photography reveals orbs and some dust; the most dust occurring in photos shot on the second floor.

The tiny leather ball that is purported to be the toy of a ghost child named Timothy was thrown out ( I suppose with garbage) a long time ago, so we found out last night that the ghost hunting group from Louisville purchased a new ball for him and left it in the hallway on the 3rd floor which is apparently where the little fella likes/liked to play.

The children’s swing set on the roof top of the 5th floor had one of two of the swing’s seats broken, and I filmed the seats swinging back and forth in the near absence of any wind. Others in the tour group also commented on the swing’s swaying back and forth and they also shot footage.

There were two occurrences of pin-point lights last night as well as flashes of light that we sufficiently determined to be inside the building itself as there were no other persons on that floor at the time with us and no one was outside with flashlights and there were no cars being moved outside the building that may have cast their headlight beams into the inside.

Our investigation concluded with a conversation with Charlie and Tina Mattingly, owners of Waverly Hills Sanatorium, and arrangements have been made for an even more intensive investigation of the building with just our investigative team and either Charlie and Tina or perhaps both. We are grateful to them for the opportunity.
- Tim

September 10, 2005 Tiffany’s Entry

Last night was our 5th investigative tour of Waverly Hills Sanatorium. We had a semi-large group, so it was a bit difficult to accurately obtain evidence. We did the best we could, however.

As of yet, no evidence has been examined. Upon examination, another entry will be filed in to this journal with an update about what was found and captured, either on video, still shot, or audio.

My personal experiences that happened last night, are as follows:

I caught a few glimpses of shadow men.

I saw one shadow man for a couple of seconds, as he passed across the hall.

I saw pin-points of light blink on and then go off in a split second.

I smelled chlorine bleach, though it is never used in the building.

I felt a couple of different cold spots on two different floors of the building, even though it was a hot, humid, and muggy night.

I witnessed a couple things, as well. Our tour guide had something brush her arm, play with her hair, move her hair band, and she had a shadow man get between her and the group, so although we could see her, she could not see us. The thing also played with her shirt some.

Tim and I used the video camera, a digital voice recorder, and a digital still-shot camera. The video cam was set to low-light, and was only used in certain areas of the building due to low battery. It started acting up on us, the way it does every time we go in to Waverly. That is the only place it acts up. I know it’s going to be difficult to pick up an EVP, should we be fortunate to get one, because of all the chatter of the students that were in our group. I do believe I have a couple of orb photos, but, as I mentioned, nothing has been fully examined yet, so, the conclusion will have to wait til further inspections occur.

- Tiffany

Inn Town Suites
This is not a place that claims to be haunted. When we went there, it was just to get away for a few days, and relax. We got a plesant, though unexpected, surprise in finding that there were odd things ocurring in our room.

First, let me start with a brief lay-out of the room, and how things are set up in it. You have a full-size refrigerator to your left as soon as you walk in the door. On the other side of that, you have a small table and chairs. Once you close the door (and let's say your back is against the door), to your right is a counter with a sink, and a two-burner range. There is an exhaust fan atop the range, and a timer on the wall next to it. The timer controls the burners, you have to turn it on to get the burners to work (fire safety percaution). (Note- the timer ticks as it counts down.) The exhaust fan has a button that you can click to one side for high, one side for low, and another button next to that one for a light. With your back still against the door, the beds were to the left of the room, and the bathroom would be straight in front of you, right next to the sink in the "kitchen." I hope that gives a good idea of how things were in the room.

The way the hotel works, you rent a room for seven days at a time. So, for the first couple of days, nothing odd really happend. It was about the third night, we were watching tv and just lounging around. I was sitting on the bed, and Tim got up from a chair at the table to get something to drink. He takes it from the fridge, to the counter, opens it, and sits back down in his chair. I hear something that sounds out of place with what we were watching, so I mute the TV, and we listen. It was the distinct ticking noise of a timer. Tim gets up and looks at our burner-timer, and finds that it's been set to ten minutes, and is just ticking away.

We were both stunned because we knew that the last time that timer had been touched was about six o'clock that morning (it was about ten o'clock at night now). I sat on the bed for a few seconds, and then asked Tim if he'd like to go for a walk until the timer stopped. I wasn't scared because of what happend, I just started feeling very strange, and like I needed to leave. It was odd, indeed. I felt like we shouldn't be there when the timer went off. It was more nervous than fear. I was excited something odd had happend, but that was taking a backseat at the moment. I was just nervous all of a sudden. I kept thinking that maybe something was trying to warn us, and we just shouldn't be there in ten minutes.

We got up and left the room, and went walking around the hotel (it was an outside hotel, if you know what I mean. It was not inclosed in a building, so we went walking around the balconies so-to-speak.) While walking, we were talking about what happend. Turns out, Tim had felt the same way I was feeling, that we shouldn't be there, for whatever reason, when the timer ended.

While walking, we stopped for a second because I thought I had stepped on something. When we stopped, the light directly overhead went out. We continued on walking and talking. We went into one of the breezeways to go upstairs. Tim was ahead of me. While he was going up, I was hearing someone come up the stairs behind me (they were concrete stairs with a metal railing. It is easy to hear/feel people going up and down them.). When I got to the top, I turned to see who was behind me, and no one was there. I told Tim about it, and we kept on walking around. We started to head back to our room. We get to the breezeway where our door is, and we hear whispering. We decided to wait til the people who were whispering left, then go inside (we weren't sure what they were up to, we had a neighbor who had been getting in fights, and we didn't want to be around if that's who it was). We walked by the breezeway and glanced over at our door, but there was no one around. We went back inside, and needless to say, it took us a while to get to sleep that night.

Jailer's Inn
The nice folks at Jailer's Inn allowed us to go in and do an investigation around 10pm one evening. Given the fact that the person there with us stayed past the end of their shift, we tried to hurry this investigation. We would've liked more time in this lovely bed and breakfast, but, we made the best of what we had.

The jail room was set up as such- you walk into a hallway that has three jail cells and a shower cell. In the first cell we placed a digital voice recorder. In the shower cell (the furthest down the hall) we placed our analog voice recorder. After setting them up, we walked around the cells, snapping pictures and just talking about how neat the place was. Our host showed us to the back yard and said we could roam out there as well. So out we went, camera in hand, and looked around out back while the voice recorders did their thing.

Our overall findings of this place were: an EVP from our analog recorder, a picture of a paranormal anomaly taken in the shower cell (the same place we caught the EVP), and an orb picture taken out back. We would love to go back there sometime and stay in the "Jail Cell" room they have (which is located right outside the hallway with the real jail cells in it). We believe the rumors of this local haunt to be true, and worth a look if you are in the area.

Bobby Mackey's
We haven't done our official investigation yet, but we went there August 26, 2006, to scout out the place. We took the guided tour through the basement and by the well. Our guide Darla was great. She gave us a very interesting history on the place.

Only a couple members of our team went. One gathered video, two gathered still shots. On the way home, we found an EVP on the sounded like a dog barking. Two members saw shadowpeople while we were there, and the guide kept expressing how abnormally hot it was in the basement that night (it was suffocating down there).

Rico D's

On Sunday, September 17, Tim and I got to do and investigation of Rico D's with a few members of Haunted Times. (For those of you that aren't familiar with the place, it is located near Chicago.) This building is now a restaurant, but it was originally a hideout for Frank Capone and his lady Isabelle.

Private Residence

We started on this investigation November 21. Tim obtained the preliminary interview, and the following day we set up a video camera. We let it record while we all sat and visited with each other. There is a theory that spirits like to try and interact in social gatherings, so we decided to test that theory.

Upon reviewing the evidence, we discovered that that theory is quite plausable. We can several EVPs on the tape. One in paticular repeted the name of a man (who we'll call "Person A") that was spoken by one of the homeowners (while looking at some photos). The next morning, "Person A"s wife was listed in the obituaries. Now, of course we don't know what, if anything, the repetition of the name had to do with that, but it was a creepy coincidence nonetheless.

We also caught what sounded like a child's voice - which coincides with the report of child-like footsteps running down the hall at various times.

We have since done a few other investigations of the property and have turned up even more evidence. During one of them, while a person was at the end of the hall taking still shots, they made the comment of, "Well, nothing. Humph," when they saw the picture on the back of the camera and it showed no evidence. They then heard footsteps running up behind them, which we latered learned was also heard by one of the voice recorders that was set up.

There is more that was found, but some of it still needs to be cleaned up. This is an on-going investigation, so we will hopefully have even more to put up here at a later time.

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