Chapter 34 – The Power Of A Prayer


The performance date was approaching swiftly. Not a word was said about the Backstreet Boy’s appearance. It had been announced that ABC’s pop music special was going to have a huge surprise, but a tight lid was kept on what it was. Rumors flew, but it was all speculation. The word that it could be the Backstreet Boys was spread, but no one knew for sure. Most were convinced the rumor was false, as Jive had maintained virtual silence in regards to Backstreet’s timetable, or if they even had one. None of the band members could be reached for comment. It was if they had vanished. Still, it was just enough of a hope to get fans talking. The media was all over it, determined to discover just what this ‘secret’ was. They were unsuccessful.


When the night came, the Boys waited anxiously as Britney Spears and Destiny’s Child performed a few songs. ‘NSYNC came next, and played off of the anticipation of the audience, who were anxiously waiting to see what the fuss was about. They tore up the stage with their latest single, along with Bye Bye Bye.


Even A.J. was nervous as they warmed up together before they were due to come out. As soon as ‘NSYNC finished, they were going to introduce Backstreet, and invite them onstage. Together they would perform “Somewhere Someday,” and then ‘NSYNC would vacate the stage, where Backstreet alone would perform their new song.


Justin completed their last song flawlessly, working the crowd like a pro. Backstreet waited in the wings patiently. The electricity was unbelievable, and the anticipation of what was to come was almost unbearable. The knowledge that thousands more were watching at home only added to the frenzy.


“Man, we’d better deliver,” A.J. muttered to himself.


Justin took the mike again, drawing a roar from the crowd. “Hey y’all!” he hollered. He was greeted with screams and yells. “Well, as you all know, we’ve got something pretty cool planned for all of you tonight. He cast a sly look out over the audience. “Are ya excited?” Deafening screams greeted him.


“I don’t know, that was kinda weak,” he said, sounding disappointed. The crowd got louder, if that was at all possible. “All right then! I am not gonna say anything more.” He leaned out towards them with a devastating grin. “Here it comes.”


All of the lights went out. The stage was totally dark as the five members of the Backstreet Boys walked calmly on stage. They all stood side by side, ‘NSYNC to the left, and Backstreet to the right. Several moments passed, allowing the anticipation to build to a head.


Breathe, Brian thought. Just breathe.


The lights flashed on, bathing the stage in sudden brilliance. A hush fell over the spectators as they took in the sight before them.


“For everyone here tonight, and for everyone watching at home,” J.C. said as the crowd exploded. “We brought some friends over for a visit. I don’t think you’ve seen them in awhile.”


“And you know what?” Lance said. “They would like to know if they can do a little singing for all y’all.”


“These fellas have gone through an awful lot to get here tonight,” Justin said loudly. “Would you please welcome them back to the stage for the first time since we almost lost them just over a year ago? Ladies and gentlemen, the Backstreet Boys!”


The screaming slowly died away, as all those in attendance rose to their feet one by one, clapping furiously. The five singers looked on in amazement as everyone present stood to acknowledge what they had accomplished. And they had yet to utter a word. A.J. glanced to his left, where he saw Brian fighting back tears. Howie looked absolutely stunned, and Nick’s mouth was actually hanging open. Even Kevin’s eyes were glistening. None of them had expected this.


Brian managed to step forward to his mike.


“Hello everyone,” he said, his voice raw with emotion. The audience began to quiet and take their seats again. When it had calmed down, he continued. “I don’t know how to thank you. What you just did just now has made every step of the long road we have been down worth it. Every step. Thank you. I guess I should explain what we’re doing here. You see, I came to Lance here one day a few months ago and asked him if he and the rest of ‘NSYNC would be willing to get together with us and do a little duet with a song that has meant an awful lot to me and the rest of the guys when we were in trouble last year. Things got really rough for us, and this song reminded me that everything happens for a reason, and as long as you have faith you will come out a stronger person. Well they said yes,” Cheering erupted. “And we are going to perform that song for you right now.” As he finished, the other members of the band stepped up.


Justin picked up a microphone. “Y’all ready?” he asked.


“Let’s do it!” A.J. replied.


The chords of the song began to play, and the audience slowly quieted.


Justin sang out softly.


Justin:          The clouds above you start to pour

                   And all of your doubts rage like a storm

Nick:             And you don’t know who you are anymore

Brian:            Let me help you find what you’ve been searching for

All:               Somewhere…

Howie:          Somewhere there’s a field and a river

                   You can let your soul run free

All:               Someday…

Howie:          Someday let me be the giver

                   Let me bring you peace

All:               Somewhere…

Justin:          Somewhere there’s a break in the weather

All:               Somewhere…

Justin:          Where your heart and spirit go free

All:               Someday…

Brian:            Someday it’ll be for the better

                   Let this bring you peace

J.C.              Girl I know you think no one sees

                   The weight on your shoulders, but you can’t fool me

Nick:             And aren’t you tired of standing so tall

                   Let me be the one to catch you when you fall

All:               Somewhere…

A.J.:             Somewhere there’s a field and a river

All:               Somewhere…

A.J.:             You can let your soul run free

All:               Someday…

JC:               Someday let me be the giver

                   Let me bring you peace, baby

All:               Somewhere…

J.C..:            Somewhere there’s a break in the weather

All:               Somewhere…

J.C.              Where your heart and spirit go free

All:               Someday…

Brian:            Someday it’ll be for the better

                   Let this bring you peace

A.J.:             Let me bring you joy

All:               Bring you joy

A.J.              Let me bring you peace

Justin:          Take these tears that you cry

Brian:            And trust them to me

Kevin:           Let me give you heart

All:               Give you heart

Kevin:           Let me give you hope

All:               Give you hope

A.J. and

Kevin:           Be the one constant love

J.C.:             That you’ve never known

All:               Somewhere

Kevin:           Somewhere there’s a field and a river

J.C.:             You can let your soul run free

All:               Someday…

Nick:             Someday let me be the giver

J.C.:             Let me bring you peace baby

All:               Somewhere…

A.J.:             Somewhere there’s a break in the weather

J.C.:             Where your heart and spirit go free

All:               Someday…

Nick:             Someday it’ll be for the better

Brian:            Let this bring you peace

Justin/J.C.     Somewhere

Chris:            Somewhere

Howie:          Somewhere

Brian:            Somewhere

A.J.:             Somewhere

J.C.:             Someday

Justin:          Let me be the one

Howie:           Let me be the one

Brian:            To catch you when you fall

Brian:            Let me bring you peace


As Brian’s finished the note, the audience was silent. As soon as it ended cheering exploded, ringing in their ears with a sound that was sweeter than the music they worked so hard to put together.


“Well,” Justin said, flushed and grinning, looking at Brian. “I guessed they liked that.” He turned back the audience. “You aren’t gonna let them get away with just that are ya?” he shouted. The crowd screamed in response.


Chris shrugged and looked at the Backstreet Boys. “I don’t know, it looks like you guys need to do another song or something to make these people happy.” He shook his head and spoke to the audience. “You people are a tough crowd! Do you hear me? A tough crowd!” he yelled. He cocked his head back to the other band members. “Imagine, demanding another song from the Backstreet Boys like that.”


“Well, what do you think A.J.?” Nick asked. “Can we do another?”


“I think we can arrange that. You guys think it’s ok?”


“Yeah, we can do that,” Kevin said.


“Sure,” Howie said agreeably.


‘NSYNC bowed out gracefully as Brian, Kevin, Howie, A.J., and Nick all sat down in chairs that had been provided for them. Kevin leaned forward to speak.


“I want to thank all of you here tonight and all of you watching at home. We have been working very hard for the past year, and you can’t possibly imagine how excited we are to be here right now. We want you all to know that we are not going to just disappear, we are still here, and we can’t wait to be back doing this full time. We’re getting closer, so keep your eyes open.”


Howie stepped in. “We also want to thank ‘NSYNC for giving us this chance to perform with them tonight, and ABC for taking a chance on us. We really, really appreciate this.”


“Peace!” A.J. shouted.


“Okay fellas,” Nick said. “Are we ready for this?”


“What we are going to do for you now is going to be our new single,” Brian said. “All of you are the first ones to hear it.” More cheering. He grinned. “The five of us wrote and produced it. Anything that was involved in the creation of this song was done by us. It means a lot to us, and I hope it will mean a lot to all of you out there as well. It’s called ‘The Power Of A Prayer.’ Ready y’all?”


“Ready,” they all chimed.


The music that they were already so familiar with began to play, softly at first. From the first note, despite the huge audience, you could hear a pin drop. And then Brian’s voice could be heard throughout the crowd.


*Authors note: These are lyrics that I wrote. It is not an existing song. It is my song. Imagine “The Perfect Fan” crossed with “Like A Child” crossed with “When You Come Back To Me Again.” (By Garth Brooks)


Brian:            The power of a prayer


Kevin:           Now I know that dark days are a part of life

Tears and fears will try to take your dreams away

Brian:            But as long as there is someone left to care

You won’t be left standing there


All:               The power of a prayer

Be it one voice singing silently

Or a million crying out up to the sky

It’s like a beacon in the night

Showing you the way

Brian:            Oh the power of a prayer


Howie:          At times you think the heavens just don’t care

If they did then why would you be where you are

Nick:             But all you need to do is open your heart and see

And let the power of a prayer set you free


All:               The power of a prayer

Be it one voice singing silently

Or a million crying out up to the sky

It’s like a beacon in the night

Showing you the way


Nick:             Oh the power of a prayer


A.J.:             When it looks like hope is gone

A prayer will keep you hanging on


All:               Oh the power of a prayer

Be it one voice singing silently

Or a million crying out up to the sky

It’s like a beacon in the night

Showing you the way


A.J.:             Oh the power of a prayer


Brian:            When you’re weak

All:               (Just a prayer)

A.J.              You can be strong

All:               (With a prayer)

Brian:            Lift your head and carry on

All:               (Ohh a prayer)

A.J.:             Can you see it

All:               (Ain't it beautiful)

Brian:            Can you feel it

All:               (So much love)

Nick:             It’s just the power of a prayer


All:               The power of a prayer


Howie:          So here’s a thank you oh so true

A.J.:             For all the love that pulled us through

Brian:            And for the power of a prayer that comes from you



The performance was flawless, all five of them pouring out their hearts and souls into the words and giving it everything they had. As Brian’s voice died away there was silence, which soon broke away to a tremendous roar as the audience hit their feet and began to scream. The sound rushed through them, shaking up their souls and bringing banishing whatever fear still remained. The ovation lasted for over ten minutes.


“Thank you,” Brian said breathlessly when they had quieted a little.


A.J. grinned, and spoke into his mike. “Keep a lookout folks, because Backstreet’s back.”



The following day, news of the comeback was all over the place. There were news articles, clips on MTV and other news programs. The Boys were bombarded with phone calls requesting interviews and looking for statements. The announcement of their album release ignited a fury of excitement. The five of them worked nonstop to get ready for the release of the single and the album, and the kickoff of their tour. Nick paused in the middle of it all, taking a moment to praise God for giving them the strength to unite with each other and overcome all that the world had thrown at them. This was a testament to their courage, will, and friendship. They had seen the darkness, crawled through it on their knees, and rediscovered the sunlight.


Chapter 35
