What if I never found love
Or anyone who understands?
What if I never found kindness
Anywhere in the land?
What if my body were wracked
With pain day after day?
What if no friends I had
To help me on my way?
What if every seed I sowed
Turned into a worthless weed?
What if no harvest I ever had
From all the planted seeds?
What if my family all left me
And I was alone in this place?
What if I never again saw
A friendly, smiling face?
What if my heart never felt joy
And peace was out of reach?
What if I never again heard
The man of God stand and preach?
What if my eyes never beheld
The blue of the skies?
What if I never saw love
In another person’s eyes?
What if I never heard the voices
Of the choir on the Sabbath day?
What if no one ever knelt at night
And thought of me when they prayed?
I may someday know all these things
But my heart need not be sad,
For the song in my heart
Always makes me feel glad.
Angels sing a song to my soul.
God speaks peace in the darkest night.
His love is forever and ever
And to my path a lasting light.
What if all these things come to me?
I will not feel unloved,
For these things will soon pass
And I will meet my Lord above!
Betty Whitworth, Dec. 2005
What happened when the turkey got into a fight?
(It got the stuffing knocked out of it!)
Is it love when spoken
In just a word or two?
Is it love when shown
Just a time or two?
So, what is real love?
Is it a constant thing,
Or is it something
Opportunity brings?
Is your love spoken or shown
On days you feel like giving,
Or is it real every day
God lets you go on living?
Do others feel your love
Every day of the year?
Do friends always know
You hold their friendship dear?
Do you hurt when friends hurt?
Do you weep when friends weep?
Do you feel compassion?
Does your love run deep?
Is your love genuine and true?
Will it allow you to care
When the way gets rough?
Will you always be there?
When is it love?
B. L. Whitworth
The Turning Point
He faced Goliath, the giant,
And with one tiny stone
He restored Israel’s honor,
But he didn’t do it alone.
David and his family faced
Turning points along the way.
He made some right choices,
But he made a mistake one day.
He saw a beautiful woman,
And he called her to his side.
Although she was married,
He wanted her for his bride.
So he sent her husband out
Into battle, hoping he would die,
But David could never
Forget his evil, deceitful lie.
Nathan, the prophet, went to David
And told him a story so sad.
It angered David that a rich man
Would take the only lamb a poor man had.
Then Nathan told him the bitter truth
And David bowed his head in prayer.
He asked for God’s mercy
And received it right there!
Because of David’s sin that day
There was a price to pay.
From within his house evil came;
David knew he was to blame.
A son sought to inherit the throne
Before it was the right time.
His heart waxed hard and cold
As lust overpowered his mind.
He chased after David one day
With murder on his mind,
But his hair caught in a tree
And trouble he did find!
David was restored in full fellowship
With the Lord, it’s true,
But he still had to pay the consequences
Of the things he did do.
Betty L. Whitworth
Things to Leave Behind
B. L. Whitworth
(This was written for someone going through a difficult time with forgiveness.)
Broken trust is like fragile China,
It may be repaired but the flaw remains
Unless the piece is restored by a
Master craftsman.
Broken love is like a porcelain doll.
The pieces may be reassembled,
But the doll is never the same
Unless it is restored by a
Master craftsman.
A broken heart is like a Robin’s egg.
It can never be repaired or restored,
But the memory of it can be healed
By the Master craftsman.
We must learn to leave behind
Those broken things in our lives,
And it can only be done when
The Master craftsman touches
The painful areas and brings healing.
My prayer for you is divine healing
Of all the brokeness in your life,
So you can begin to really live again
And be free of the burden of carrying
Those heavy broken pieces.
As you are able to discard those broken pieces,
Write each one and place in a little box.
Never remove anything you place inside,
But continue to place those pieces in this box.
Within a few months you will be amazed
At how much better you feel!
The tree to put up
And gifts to wrap.
All I want is
A little nap!
Pies to bake
And bread to make,
Wish I could tell "time"
To please wait!!!
The Christmas spirit should
Make me calm and serene
Instead of leaving me
Just wanting to scream.
So, I will sit quietly
For a moment or so
And let the Christmas spirit
Soothe my frazzled soul.
Thank You Lord for
The peace You still bring.
Thank You Lord for
Now that I have my
Priorities in line,
This Christmas season
Will be just fine!
B. L. Whitworth
Mr. Self
Now, Mr. Self is usually a jolly soul,
And he usually honest too,
But once in a while he
Sneaks in a lie dressed in "True".
You have to beware of Mr. Self
And the sly things he will do.
Why, if you're not careful,
He'll make life miserable for you!
Mr. Self doesn't have best friends,
So beware of his good deeds.
Oft times he acts like a pal
To fulfill his own selfish needs.
Mr. Self can be your worst enemy
If you allow him to take control.
He'll slowly drain your principles
Until he possesses your very soul!
But do not despair; there is hope
If you'll abandon your Army of Pride
And call out the Troops of Truth
To take up arms and join your side.
Mr. Self cannot survive when faced
With all the deeds he has done,
So fling open your Book of Life
And expose him to the "Son".
The "Son" will surely expose him
And allow you to clearly see
Exactly what he has become
And what he can be.
Mr. Self just needs guidance
And direction from above
In order to live a life
Of purity and love.
{This poem was written to go with a Sunday School lesson
based on James 3.}
It carries quite a punch.
This thing called a tongue.
It can shoot fiery words
From the deadly gossip gun.
Each fiery word spreads
The fire from here to yon,
And before you know it
Much damage has been done.
It carries quite a balm,
This thing called a tongue.
It can shoot words of praise
From the Holy Ghost gun.
Each word is like the wind
Carrying praise from here to yon,
And before you know it
Blessings have begun!
So here you have the two
Sides of the tongue.
Choose the holy,
Praise-filled one
And there won't be room
For fiery words to come.
B. L. Whitworth (9-19-2003)
B. L. Whitworth
Today I went back home
But felt like a stranger there.
I searched for the little girl
With pigtails of sun bleached hair.
She was not to be found
Upstairs or down.
I listened for echoes of laughter
But silence greeted me.
I left the empty house
With only a door key.
Just as loneliness was
About to settle in,
I suddenly realized why
Things weren't as they had been.
This wasn't my real home!
I just lived there for a while.
And then I felt a smile
When Jesus said,
"You're right, my child.
Your home is built
On a street of gold.
It will never be bought
Or sold!"
No wonder I didn't feel at home.
My real home is up there on high,
And I will go there to dwell
When I bid this world goodbye.
Until then I must carry on
And do all I can
To help others reach
That heavenly land.
B. L. Whitworth
It's not the bright lights
That twinkle in the night.
It's not the presents galore
That I'm most thankful for--
It's you, Jesus!
It's not the good smells
That cause my heart to swell.
It's not the pretty trees
That bring such joy to me--
It's you, Jesus!
It's not the ribbon and bows,
It's not the stars that glow.
It's not the pretty singing
Nor the church bells ringing,
It's you, Jesus!
It's not the snow so white
Nor the moon beams so bright
That make me joyous today
And want to kneel and pray--
It's you, Jesus!
Come and share this day with me.
My special guest you will be
As we celebrate your birthday
In a true Christmas way.
B. L. Whitworth
God said to visit the sinner
Who lives across the way.
"I'm really sorry, God," I said.
"It's not on my TO DO list today."
God said to study His word
And take time to pray.
But I said, "Not right now;
It's not on my TO DO list today.
God said to visit the sick lady
Who has bills to pay,
But I said, "Right now, Lord?
It's not on my TO DO list today."
I cried out in my trouble
And asked Him to come right away,
But He said, "Sorry my child, but
It's not on my TO DO list today."
B. L. Whitworth
The Prince of Peace he wants to be,
When we face storms so bleak.
can always rest assured
That perfect peace he can speak.
The Good Shepherd, he keeps watch
Over his sheep night and day.
can always rest assured
That in his care we stay.
Immanuel, God with us
hope in a troubled land.
We can always rest assured
When on his word we stand.
The Bread of Life he wants to be
If only we will eat of him.
We can always rest assured
That he is our constant friend.
Rose of Sharon, a fragrance sweet
Comes from heaven for you and me.
We can always rest assured
That his fragrance will forever be
With his children eternally.
B. L. Whitworth
You didn't kick me in the shin
Nor slap me in the face.
You didn't strike me
Any other place.
Yet, you injured me
Beyond the point of repair
By the unkind words
You forced me to bear.
The scars will forever
Be in my heart, you see,
For angry words leave
A mark for all eternity.
B. L. Whitworth
The pretty gates swung open
And I walked inside.
Saint Peter met me
And said, "I'm your guide.
Let me show you the sights
And introduce you around.
When that's all done,
I'll issue your crown."
My eyes could scarcely believe
All the things I saw that day--
Streets of gold, pure sparkling water,
Angels in their white array.
They sang a song of welcome
And showed me such love.
Then I felt the comfort
From heaven's holy dove
As it lit upon my shoulder
And brushed away the tears.
"Now comes the best part,
My dear.
This is Jesus, the One who died for you."
I fell at his feet and worshiped him.
"My child, welcome home," he said.
"Come, greet all your friends."
His face lit the pathway
As we walked down the trail.
I saw my dear old dad
Telling one of his favorite tales.
He looked up and saw me,
And he ran to my side.
"It's good to see you, girl.
Now I'll be your guide!"
He took my hand and we walked
Through the city square.
Abraham, Jacob, John and Paul.
Timothy, Peter and Joshua were all there.
Then I saw a beloved face so dear.
My father-in-law smiled at me.
"It's so good to see you, Bet!
This is a good place to be."
"Here is where you get your crown,"
Jesus said as we faced the throne.
The Heavenly Father placed it on my head
And I knew peace like I'd never known!
"Welcome home, my child," He said.
"Welcome home!"
B. L. Whitworth
The daisy lifted its yellow head
And offered thanks to God above
For the refreshing shower
Sent on the wings of a dove.
The sparrow fed its babies
One after the other,
And they all cried
For their dear mother.
The kitten curled up for a nap
All snug and warm in the sun.
It dreamed of faraway places
Where it could safely play and run.
The man sat in the shade
Watching the clouds floating along.
He thanked God for His love,
For His mercy and for every song
That made burdens lighter to bear.
He offered thanks for grace
And every blessing, great and small,
For he knew God was the giver
Of them ALL!
B. L. Whitworth
Treasures collected here on earth
Fall prey to moths and rust.
Thieves break through and steal!
Who can we really trust?
Lay up treasures in heaven
Where there are no thieves or rust.
Our hearts will visit there often
As in God we put our trust.
Let your eyes see the beauty
And reflect the light of love.
Give no room to darkness
That hides God's face above.
No one can serve two masters;
No one can serve God and man.
Your divided loyalty will
Cause God to remove His hand.
Don't worry about your needs.
Every one God will supply
From His storehouse of blessings
Way up there on high.
You can always trust Him.
Look at the birds of the air.
They depend on God to provide
What they need to eat and wear.
Look at the lilies of the field.
They don't toil or spin,
Yet they are clothed in beauty.
You are more precious than them!
Look at the fields clothed in grass.
It's lush, green beauty will not last.
Yet God in His mercy clothed that land.
So will He clothe you, O doubtful man!
Fret not about what you drink or eat.
The needs you have, God will meet.
He knows about what we need.
Just ask. you don't have to plead.
He wants us to seek His kingdom first
And trust Him to do the rest.
From His storehouse of blessings
He will send us His very best!
Don't fret about what tomorrow will bring.
Don't worry about things that might be.
Just put your trust in the Lord
And He will take care of thee.
(November 2001)
Muffin, my fat cat, dashed by,
Stopped just ahead, gave me the eye,
Quickly disappeared through the door
And let out a blood-curdling roar!
I peeked around the corner to see
What was wrong with my kitty.
She looked at me, eyes wide and green,
Then cut a shine like I'd never seen!
She hiked her behind, head down
And turned a flip like a clown.
She purred and purred with delight
As I laughed at the funny sight.
I rubbed her perky ears and head.
"You silly girl," I playfully said.
She gave me a kiss and a nip
Before she turned another flip.
"What a sweetheart you are!" I cried
As she scampered away to hide.
The games had just begun, I knew.
It was a matter of who could outlast who.
After a while she gave a wide yawn
And I knew the playful mood was gone.
She curled up in my lap, fast asleep,
One ear open for the slightest peep.
The rustle of the potato chip bag
Put her in the mood for a game of tag.
She jumped down, ran toward the sound,
Hoping chips would soon be found.
One little bite set her all aglow,
And she was ready to go, go, go!
She darted here and she darted there,
And she jumped from chair to chair.
I darted at her and hissed real loud.
She arched her back and stood real proud.
I laughed and said, "You silly girl,
You sure do brighten my world!"
And so the days are filled with glee
As Muffin brings such joy to me.
B. L. Whitworth
Permission Denied
I approached the gates of heaven
In hopes of going inside,
But St. Peter met me and said,
“Sorry, permission denied.”
I was stunned to hear it
And asked him why.
I told him how good I’d been,
And had nothing to hide.
He looked at me with sadness,
And He quietly replied,
“The blood to your sins
Has not been applied.”
“But I believe in God.
By His rules I abide,
So please, won’t you
Let me come inside?”
He looked at me with love,
And then he cried.
“I’m so sorry,
But permission denied.”
Through the gates I could see
All my loved ones who had died.
They were gathered ‘round the throne,
Sitting by the Savior’s side.
They were smiling and happy;
They’d crossed the rolling tide!
But I stood without the gates.
Permission denied.
B. L. Whitworth
By B. L. Whitworth
Man most often get the praise
For all their brave and daring ways.
They fought the British and won,
But who made bullets for the guns?
Back home the women toiled hard
Over every bullet the men fired.
The men fought and sometimes died;
Their women back home cried,
But they went on from day to day;
There was no other way.
They had hungry mouths to be fed
And they labored 'till fingers bled.
The men stayed on the battle field.
Some had wounds that wouldn't heal.
Their hearts were back home with those
Who worked to send them food and clothes.
Betsy Ross sewed a flag so fine
With stars and stripes in line.
Beside her husband Martha stood
To cheer the soldiers all she could.
Molly Pitcher loaded a cannon one day
When her husband plain fainted away.
Deborah Sampson dressed as a man
And went out to lend a hand.
Others whose names are unknown
Deserve some credit of their own,
But the time has dulled their fame
And even forgotten their names.
Unsung heroes they might be,
But their names are not in history.
The brave deeds they did back then
Should live on in the hearts of men.
Women, small but brave; frail but strong,
Their memories still live on.
Let us remember them, I say
By never letting those memories fade.
Tell your children, tell everyone
How our freedom was really won!
The end
By B. L. Whitworth
God sent an angel down from heaven
With a basket of gifts in hand.
She called all the believers together
Into one congregation so grand!
One by one she called them by name
And gave each a gift that day.
Some put the gift on a shelf;
Others chose to give it away.
The gifts placed on the shelf
Soon ceased to be a treasure,
While those given away
Kept bringing joy and pleasure.
God sent an angel down from heaven
With an empty basket in hand.
She was to gather the unused gifts
From every corner of the land.
They were taken from the shelves.
From closets, drawers and chests.
They were collected by the angel.
And then she had to rest.
The work on earth was done.
Her basket was packed
With the unused gifts
She had to take back.
The end
From Little Creek to Big Lake
It used to be a little creek
That flowed through the rolling hills.
It did not know about motor boats,
Pontoons, fly rods, or other frills.
One day a big dam was built
And its little banks overflowed.
It was no longer a little creek
But a big lake, it was told.
It could no longer act like a creek
But had to act like a sprawling lake,
As it slithered through the hills
Like a giant gentle snake.
Folks came from miles around
To look at its beauty fair.
They brought their families
And camped, played and fished there.
The little creek did not forget
The families of the past;
Fishing poles, kids and hot dogs.
Kids grow up so very fast!
Buildings went up along the road.
New people came to live by her side.
Life became busier and busier
As it swelled with great pride.
It started out small but grew
Into a popular vacation place,
But the best part of all is
Its wonderful shining face!
It mirrors the past, present and future
As the sun plays upon its breast.
It remembers the past but looks ahead
For yet to come is the best!
(This poem appeared in the Rough River Seasonal Magazine, summer 2002)
B. L. Whitworth
Betty Whitworth is a freelance writer who
was born and raised in the Rough River area.
Broken trust is like fragile China,
It may be repaired but the flaw remains
Unless the piece is restored by
The Master Craftsman.
Broken love is like a porcelain doll.
The pieces may be reassembled,
But the doll is never the same
Unless it is restored by
The Master Craftsman.
A broken heart is like a robin's egg.
It can never be restored or repaired,
But the memory of it can be healed
By The Master Craftsman.
We must learn to leave behind
Those broken things in our lives,
And it can only be done through
A touch by The Master Craftsman.
B. L. Whitworth
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