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My page on RPGs!

NathaereanRole Playing Games are one of my favorite things to waste my time on. Always have been, and always will be.

I've played Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition for 9 years (i just recently moved to 3rd edition, and if you ask me, second is better). For any of you who don't know what D & D is, you earn a whack upside the head and This link.

To be true to the truth and have style, i must stand here before you today and say: "3rd Edition sucks". Wizards of the Coast fucked it up when they bought TSR. Unfortunately, they've hyped it so much that everyone is now playng it, and there is no place left in this world for a diehard 2nd fan.

If you happen to live in or near Santa Cruz, CA and play 2nd edition, please send me an email!

Anyways, that's my rants about D & D.

Other things worth mentioning in the RPG world:

Mystic Realms RPG chat! I hang out here all the time. In fact, you can see my character's profile here.

This isn't my only character, I have four, but for the sake of protecting the innocent, and those who don't want all their characters to be known to everyone (me), I will not discuss the others here (although I may add a page for another character here later, I do not know). Check this site out! I wouldn't go so far as to say it's worth your time (what games are?) but it's fun as hell once you get used to it!

Also, there's a MUD (Multi-User dimension) I hang out at on the Amtgard page (link to it from my main page).

This picture on the side of the page here? An old character of mine from Mystic Realms, Nathaerean. (no, it's not my image... please don't sue... if you want me to take it down, just email me and I will do so promptly ^_^;)

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