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(800) 656-HOPE

The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) operates a free 24-hour- a -day hotline for survivors of all kinds of sexual assault, including sexual abuse, rape, and domestic violence. When you call RAINN, a computer instantly connects you to the nearest rape crisis center. At least 1,000 trained counselors are available to answer calls. All calls are confidential and will not show up on you phone bill.

Definiion of Incest

Partners and Friends of Incest Survivors Anonymous

Considerations for Assessing Family Reunification in Cases Involving Incest-Type Sex Offenders

Abuse/Incest Support

Sexual Assault

Post-incest Syndrome in Women and Men The Incest Survivors’ Aftereffects Checkist

Adult Children of Alcoholic and Dysfunctional Family Incest Survivors (ACOAIS)

Childhelp USA
National Child Abuse Hotline

(800) 4 - A - Child
(800) 422 - 4453

Counselors are available 24 hrs a day, offering crisis intervention, information regarding child abuse, resources for adult and child survivors, help with parenting, and referrals to agencies across North America.

National Domestic Violence/Abuse Hotline
(800) 799 - 7233
(800) 799 - SAFE
(800) 787 - 3224 TDD

This 24-hour a day hotline is staffed by trained volunteers who can connect you with help in your own community, including emergency services and shelters, information about counseling for adults and children, assistance reporting abuse. They havee access to translators for 150 languages.

S.M.A.R.T. (Self Management and Recovery Training)