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All-in-one VIETNAMERICAN graduate study documentation

graduate school- general

the choice of pursue a graduate degree in the US can be one of the best decisions you ever make. with more than 1200 colleges and universities offering advanced degrees, the diversity of graduate education in the US is unparalleled. graduate schools contribute to nearly every area of research, and graduate students play a major role in the advancement of knowledge. with the growth of technology and advances in research over the years, continuing education in advanced degrees have become very important in building a successful career.

american educators have a great deal of respect for higher education in other countries. generally, systems of education cover the same knowledge base, but arrive at the conclusion of the program in  different fashion. in the end, if a student completes the whole program of study through doctorate, regardless of the system, students will have covered the same body of knowledge. what, then, distinguishes US systems and what is the advantage of a US graduate degree? students tell us that the approach to learning, the practical application of knowledge, technological support, understanding resources available, and applying knowledge to practical situations is what distinguishes the US system. research is funded by industries that will use the research results. business and industry support education as those who learn now eventually become leaders in those fields.

students are expected to acquire knowledge of a discipline but also a skill set in analytical thinking that will help them apply the knowledge and advance the industry in which they choose to work. successful students take their graduate education and apply it to the best of their abilities. the amount of success they accumulate is directly related to the application of what was learned in graduate school. students also tell us that their study abroad experience puts them ahead of other candidates in the job market. they may have the basic knowledge they need to do their job before leaving home, but spending a year or two or three in the US gives them a perspective that other candidates do not have. where competition for jobs is great, the study experience in the US will pay untold benefits.

because of the competitive nature of graduate education, it is important for you to understand the importance of graduate education in US and to carefully research the graduate schools that appeal most to you. there are a number of steps you can take to help increase the likelihood of being accepted to the graduate school of your choice.

the unique nature of graduate education

there are  number of important differences between graduate and undergraduate education in US. first, decisions about admission are made by the faculty in the academic departments. many graduate programs are highly competitive and only the most qualified applicants are offered admission. some graduate programs, such as law or clinical psychology, admit only a few applicants per year.

graduate education in US is divided into stages, and a degree is awarded at the end of each stage. a student is usually admitted first to a master’s degree program. this requires from one to three years of full-time study, depending on the subject and the student’s preparation.

the next stage is the doctoral degree, which usually requires three years of full-time study, in residence at the university, beyond the master’s degree. doctoral studies focus almost entirely on the major subject and require the completion of qualifying exams, plus a dissertation. the dissertation is a major written work documenting original research, which must be orally defended before a committee of faculty members. applicants to graduate programs are expected to have a strong background in the area to which they are applying. the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) is the most common doctoral degree in US.

many students follow the stages of graduate study in sequential order. it is possible, however, to apply directly to a doctoral degree program without completing a master degree first. some doctoral programs award a master’s degree while the student is completing the requirements for a doctoral degree. in some instances, graduate schools will allow nondegree study at the graduate level. applicants who show exceptional promise but are not interested in being admitted to a degree program should talk with a faculty adviser in the department of interest to explore the possibility of studying as a nondegree student.

the academic department is the “home base” for a graduate student. students work closely with their faculty adviser, other faculty members, other graduate students in the department, and departmental administrators to complete their coursework and research. Significant emphasis is placed on pursuing original research and much of the course work is devoted to research methods and independent study. graduate students gain valuable research experience by assisting faculty members with research projects or experiments and writing. this research culminates in a major project of some kind.

your career goals

your career goal is one of the most important factors in determining the direction of your graduate education. that goal will help you choose the academic program and the degree level that is most appropriate for you. a doctoral degree may not be the most logical choice if you are planning to become an accountant. since the focus of graduate program is concentrated in one area, you should apply to programs in which you have a strong academic background. carefully review the course requirements to determine if you have the necessary qualifications to pursue that program. be aware of prerequisites- the courses you are required to complete before being admitted to a graduate program.

degree equivalencies

if your first college degree was earned at a college or university outside US, it must be considered equivalent to a US bachelor degree for you to be eligible to apply to graduate school. each graduate school in US sets its own policies and standards with regard to degree equivalency. likewise, part of your investigation should include how your US degree will be evaluated when you return home. will it be recognized by your government for employment purposes? will it enable you to obtain a job after graduation? if not, what will you have to do to receive recognition of your US degree?

graduate- test scores

the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) re the most commonly required assessment tests (if you’d been pursuing education in US for a long period of time before, ask if you may not have to submit TOEFL score). you may have to take a GRE subject test in your specialty. Tests required for specific fields of study include the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) for business applicants; Law School Admission Test (LSAT) for law school; and the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) for medical school. Carefully read the graduate schools application or catalog to determine which exams are required for the program of your choice. because of the length of time required to receive official results (up to 6 weeks after the exam), and because of early deadlines in competitive program, you should register for all required exams at least one year prior to applying to graduate school. a photocopy of your test results may be included with your graduate school application, but officil copies of your results will be required.

graduate- personal essay

the personal essay is a statement from you that conveys your academic and professional goals and objectives and how you believe graduate edu will help you achieve these goals. the essay should be concise and should briefly describe your academic and research interests, appropriate work experience, and career plans. you should state very clearly why you have chosen to apply to  particular graduate school and/or department. if you have identified specific faculty members with whom you would like to study, you should mention them in the essay.

graduate- additional materials to include with your application

                resume: include a current resume listing your scholarly writing and professional presentations, and research project summaries.

                supplemental information: read the application instructions carefully to determine if the department to which you’re applying requires you to complete additional forms or provide additional info beyond the standard application. this might include an audio or videotape.

                a writing sample: you may have to submit a sample of your writing, especially if you will be writing a dissertation or are applying to a program that requires keen writing skills, such as journalism, English, political science, or creative writing.

test info

SAT I: Reasoning test

SAT II: Subject test

ELPT (English Language Proficiency Test)

AP (Advanced Placement Examinations)

APIEL (Advanced Placement International English Test)

ACT (American College Testing Program Assessment)


TSE (Test of Spoken English)

GRE (Graduate Record Examination)

GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)  


(to be continued...)