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Graduate Study
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Apply into
Where to Apply
Faculty Members
Visiting schools
Final Note
Survival Guide
How To Apply
Apply Advice
Thanks for Ph.D.
Ph.D. Interview
FinAid guide
All-in-one documentation

Due to popular demand, I tried my best to open this Graduate Study page. My knowledge and understanding on this matter are limited. I do have some good articles here, though. However, before you read those articles, make sure you have skimmed through the disclaimer at the bottom of this page. By clicking on any of the links below this line, you indicate you agree with that statement.

--All-in-one VIETNAMERICAN graduate study documentation--

Financial Aid Guide to Graduate International Students.

International Spirit: The newsletter published by International Students Organization in US, covering almost every wisdom of application process for international students.

Getting In: An Applicant's Guide to Graduate School Admissions

    Part 1: Applying to Graduate School.

    Part 2: Deciding where to apply.

    Part 3: Contacting Faculty Members.

    Part 4: Visiting schools.

    Part 5: Commando Tactics while Waiting.

    Part 6: A Final Note.

Graduate School Survival Guide

What Every New Grad Student Should Know

Apply to US Graduate School: for Indonesian students

Peterson's Guide to Graduate Admission for International Students

How to Apply to Graduate Schools

Letters of Recommendations

Graduate and Professional School Information

Advice on Graduate Admission Procedures

CV (Curriculum Vita)

So long, and thanks for the Ph.D.

Dissertation Advice

Ph.D. Interview Preparation Guide

Internet Links

Survival in the Academy provides advice on a wide range of issues of concern to graduate students. 

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Survival Skills for Graduate Students is a useful, well organized source of information on a broad range of topics.

Check out some valuable Advice on research and writing, although geared primarily toward Computer Science students, there's something for everyone...

Let's say you're in middle of your grad program and you realize that academia isn't for you... It doesn't have to be a nightmare, check out The Escape Pod for Humanities PhDs: Finding a Good Job Outside of Academe and stop worrying.

Drop in to the Dissertation Den for an equal mix of resources and friendly prodding.