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graduate scholarship


Financial Aids Vietnamese Students May Apply

Institution offering Name Type Date Added Date Expired
Department of Computer Science- Lamar (Texas State) University Study computer science in Texas Graduate scholarship Feb. 26,01- From a message on USGuide and VNSA mailing list.
Howard University Freshman Scholarships Merit-based full Scholarships Dec. 14, 00 n/a
University of Pennsylvania Financial Aid Packages need-based; various ranges, up to 100% of needs. Dec. 14, 00 n/a
Stanford University Financial Aid Packages need-based; various ranges, up to 100% of need. Dec. 24, 00 n/a
Swarthmore College Financial Aid Packages need-based; various ranges, up to 100% of need. Dec.24, 00 n/a
MIT Financial Aid Packages need-based; various ranges, up to 100% of need. Dec.24,00 n/a
Macalester College Financial Aid Packages need-based; ranges from $9228 to $24,390 Dec.24,00 n/a
Pomona College Financial Aid Packages need-based; ranges from $15,000 to full need. Dec.24,00 n/a
Princeton University Financial Aid Packages need-based; various ranges, up to 100% of need. Dec.24,00 n/a
Indiana University- Purdue University Financial Aid Package need-based up to 100% Mar.30,01 n/a
Uni of Nebraska- Lincoln J.D. Edwards Honors Program Scholarship Full cost of attendance Mar.30,01 n/a
Troy State University Chancellor's Fellowship

Must have a minimum 3.0 GPA in undergraduate degree; demonstrated
leadership in offices held in academic and social organizations

$1,800 per year and unrestricted grant.
Mar.30,01 n/a
University of Michigan International Scholar Award

Master of Business Administration Program are
automatically considered for this award

$5000- $25,000 Mar.30,01 n/a
Bentley College Graduate Assistantship

To provide financial support for academically outstanding students who
study full-time at our graduate school

Tuition, plus stipend for outstanding students Mar.30,01 n/a
University of North Florida Link merit/need based, up to full cost Mar.30,01 n/a