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important regulations for f-1 and j-1 students


full course of study: international students are expected to register for full course of study during each semester or term. for undergraduate students, this means a minimum of 12 credit hours (about 3-4 courses) or its equivalent each semester. full course of study for graduate students is defined differently on each campus, so consult your academic adviser and your international student adviser to learn the requirement on your campus. you’re not required to carry a full course of study during your annual vacation or during your final semester of study. the full course of study requirements may vary at colleges that are on the quarter or trimester system. find out what the requirement is on your campus and follow it. failure to carry a full course of study could result in your losing eligibility for employment and other important benefits.

processing changes in your i-20 or iap-66

if youo change your major field of study or your degree objective, transfer from one college to another, or need an extension of the expected completion date of the academic program indicated on your i-20 or iap-66, you must request a new i-20 or iap-66 form and process the change officially. consult your international student adviser or j-1 sponsor for information on the appropriate procedure. f-1 students process school transfers through the international student adviser at the new college; a 15-day deadline applies, so contact the international student adviser as soon a you arrive at your new school.

departing and re-entering US

you must have your i-20 or iap-66 form endorsed each time you leave and re-enter US. for an endorsement, f-1 students should consult the international student adviser; j-1 students should contact the sponsor.