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Some words from me
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    VIETNAMERICAN was established since summer 2000. The website made it debut on October 2000. Since then, there have been a lot of changes to website, contents, policies, etc. But VIETNAMERICAN still remains to maintain its criterion: to help international students in their application process into American colleges, especially Vietnamese students.

    The founder of VIETNAMERICAN never wants to reveal identity. Therefore, please do not ask or wonder. I do not do this for fame or profits.

    I don't preserve resources on the website, either. They are all "open-source" resources, meaning you can download, copy, distribute, modify or republish anyway you want, as long as you agree to give me some credits back (link to website, indicate the source in the documents...).

    Now, some of the resources here belong to other people, not VIETNAMERICAN. Those belong to VIETNAMERICAN would be indicated. Those not indicated would be of others :-) You are responsible for getting permission from those people to download, copy, distribute, modify or republish. The source of the documents would be indicated in the files.

    I volunteer to do this job for everybody out there. However, I also have a life. If your email or request, questions are not answered in a while, please don't be mad and yell at me. Instead, you could send another email or request indicating your emergency or not, and with the information you wanted to send me.

    This website is promised to be updated every weekend. I will try to do that load of work. Not guaranteed, though :-)

    Now if you like this website, or appreciate my work and time for this, please show something. Don't just stay there and read this line. Post your questions onto Message boards, onto Mailing list. Please help make VIETNAMERICAN an exchanging community for everybody. This website receives around 200 hits a week, most of which are from students, professors, educators, admission officers, and even government people, too. So your post would be read by many people.

    Here are some odd questions I think you may need to know in order to sleep well at night.

Q: Why is this site in English?

A: If you don't like reading or using English, or don't understand the my English, you might want to reconsider your efforts to study abroad.

Q: Why do you waste time every week to maintain this site for nothing?

A: I'm young :)

Q: Who are you?

A: Read the second paragraph from top down.

Q: What school do you go to?

A: !!!??? Did I not make it clear enough???!!!

Q: What does it take to join VIETNAMERICAN?

A: A good personality, a sense of humor, enthusiasm and have to be a girl :) (only kidding...).

    That's it for now.

    Just another man.