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The Winds of Change

The Winds of Change are a constant force in our lives. Sometimes just whispering, other times blowing hard and constant till it seems that nothing familiar remains.

This page will keep you up to date on changes in my life. To give you some idea about myself, I'll go back a bit to fill you in on the major changes in my life since 1997.

1997 was a big year for me. I graduated from college in the 2nd week of May, got married on the last day of May and moved away from home the second week of June. For me, leaving home didn't mean just moving down the road or to another state, but to another country. My husband is English and as he already had a job, it was off to England. I always did kinda jump into things head first!

Wedding life started out as an adventure for us. My 2nd week in London our washing machine broke and flooded our kitchen, hallway, and half of our living room. We spent the next two weeks with carpet draped over doors and humidifiers going full blast 24 hours a day!

It took me a while to settle down in England, but after a few months of getting the house settled, I went to work for a furniture company working as an Administrative Sales Executive-Not quite as impressive as the title sounds! I dove into that one head first. I had quite a time understanding all the accents, as most of my job was spent on the phone. The job was stressfull, crazy, hectic, and I loved it. I moved from a temporary position to a permanent one, falling happily into a job I thought I would hate!

But the winds of change were blowing for us again, and they were blowing away from England and back to Texas. I can't say I was happy to be returning. As much as I had missed Texas, I had made a life in England, thrived in a place that most people weren't even sure I could survive in. But the one belief that has guided my life, and my marriage is that we aren't always meant to understand God's will-only to follow it.

Well, since that last paragraph was wrote alot has happened. At the moment we are living in California, outside of San Francisco. The company my husband was working for in Texas, closed their office there and offered him a job in their California office. There were alot of job openings and since I had experience with customer service, it was an opportunity for me as well. So we went from Texas to California, making this our 4th place to live since we've been married. Have we settled down? Well, for the moment. But who knows where we'll end up next!

Well gee, I sure haven't kept this up to date. So much has changed since then. Not even enough time to go into everything. Biggest change is we are no longer in California. We are now residents of Raleigh, North Carolina. Richard got me back to the South and I love it. It's wonderful here. There's been alot of bumps along the way and I still feel as if I am in the middle of a hurricane somedays. But I'm here, with the man I love, where God wants me to be. And that's enough.

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