today seemed to be a cat-related day. third hour, a cat jumped into my CPR class--we're on the first floor and there was no screen. so everyone on the other side of our room's parition (freshman) were screaming so loud, my teacher said "you'd think they'd never seen a cat before." then, after dinner, i talked to my friend, meg, who works at a pet shop. she was telling me how she had no food and no money for food, and i being the ever-nice one offered to make her a pb&j and bring it over. so i take it to her, and the pet shop had kittens, and this one was walking around my foot. also, all day i was anxiously awaiting getting back home so i could go out and get local h's new cd, pack up the cats. so i get it, and there's all sorts of cat-related bits on the album-- besides the obviousness of the title, there's "'cha!' said the kitty" ("i don't wanna live alike, and you don't wanna take it back, and i don't wanna be alright, and you don't want a kitty cat") in "Lucky" the first lines are "pack up the cats and move to the city.." and there's cat meows in the background. "Deep Cut" has the lines "i don't know where i'm at, i think i killed my cat." there may be more that i'm forgetting. yes, so today must be cat-day. in a side note, i was utterly terrified at the sudden existance of this huge caterpillar (or as i first called it, "big-ass worm thing") in a jar (with a napkin as a roof. unfortunately, it had a hole in it and it was crawling OUT of it) in my family room. i shrieked, cuz i was just expecting it to be a lil caterpillar or grasshoppers, as opposed to this larger-than-a-quarter in width, and about 4 inch long huge green caterpillar. hmm. don't suppose that counts as another "cat" referance? today at lunch, jasmineand phoebe realized that when i hold my index finger up (like today i've been thinking about all the ways that i misunderstand movies. when we saw My Best Friend's Wedding, i was convinced that at the end, George was saying that he had "moves like a jungle carrot." i later found out that it was, in fact, "moves like a jungle cat" last year, in history, we watched Swing Kids. Of course, we also had to take notes. i looked up briefly to see a pair of (what i thought to be) female legs, and went back to writing. Suddenly, there was a bloody wrist hanging out of a tub. "hmm, one of those girls killed themself. why?" i thought. i didn't realize til after class, when i asked a friend, that it was not a girl at all. i felt rather dumb. last year, when watching Wag the Dog, i kind of spaced out at the end, cuz i completely missed the guy dying. i mean, yeah, i saw the end, but i didn't realize that he *died.* this summer, watching Courage Under Fire i thought that some plane or helicopter was "gluecker," when in fact it was "cougar." gluecker soon became jasmine's plane name. I was lying in bed the other night, unable to sleep, and just thinking about how numbers are funny. Take for example the number 413. If you multiply the numbers by each other, you get 12, A number that I personally like. If you add the 1 and 2, you get 3, another favorite. The numbers I like (3, 4, 7, 12, 15, and 49) all seem to be tied together. I think I need to get more sleep. Why is it that I find myself having immense school spirit not for my high school, but for a college which I shan't attend, and only when the time to be a fan is winding down? I've lived in Madison for quite nearly eighteen years, and I've never been extremely into the Badgers. Yeah, I'd go to games and cheer, watch them and cheer - but that was because of my parents, not because I felt the need to root for them. Yet, this fall, I find myself actually paying attention to
the football schedule - ah, another lovely win for the football team.. 40 to 10. Heh. - and hockey. Well, hockey is my newly found (newly found last year, but recently awakened) passion. I get caught up in the game, cheering on the team and badgering (pun intended) the other team. I want to take a road trip to an away hockey game. All this is fine.. but it's odd that I have more spirit for the UW than I do for my own high school. (Well, no, it makes sense: my high school's football and hockey team aren't good. Oh well.) Hm. I still feel guilty singing "Varsity" at each and every game - it's not my alma mater, and I'd like to keep things that way.
Well. Why is this? I always speak so soon. Natalie, who lives down the hall, pointed out how amusing the above entry is. Why?
Well. I ended up attending the UW. I have season tickets for football, hockey, and basketball. So the UW has become my alma mater.
She read it, and had to come down to tell me how funny it was to read, knowing that I was living just down the hall. In a UW dorm. Sigh. Why?
Tuesday, September 1, 1998
Friday, September 11, 1998
) i expect them to hold their thought, cuz i'm thinking about something else. this in itself isn't that bad. what's obnoxious is that they figured out that if i'm talking and they just
, i stop talking. i can't help it; it's an automatic response of mine, and they delighted in doing this at random points throughout our conversation (always when i was talking; i wonder why.) and i find this rather annoying. especially since they start laughing; at my expense.
Tuesday, September 15, 1998
if'n you haven't seen the underlined movies, you might not wanna read it.
Sunday, November 29, 1998