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my buddy phoebe!

a brief bit about phoebe: she is a taurus, loves cameras and movies, and she gave me the best compliment of my life -- she said i had (and i quote) "a kick-ass attitude."

phoebe, like karen, jasmine and meg, attended the same middle school as i, but wasn't in any of my classes, and i didn't really do anything with her then. but then came freshman year. i had history class with her, (seems rather strange for an austrailian to teach american history, doesn't it?) and she had the same lunch hour as i.

we started becoming good buddies in ninth grade, and when it came time to pick out our classes for the next year, we ended up deciding that we both wanted to take latin and art metal. lucky us, we ended up in the same art metal and latin classes. so she became my art metal buddy (twas helpful to know someone in there; sometimes ya need two sets of hands; sometimes you need to stay after school and need a minimum of two people if the teacher leaves you in the room alone, letting you go slightly wild. hehe) for first hour, and then my latin buddy for sixth hour. i found it rather handy that she had chemistry right before latin, and i immediately afterwards. we could also complain about our awful chem teacher. sigh o sigh.

anyways, latin was incredible fun. we went through three classrooms that year, and after the first one, we claimed the last seats in the last two rows for ours (and we re-claimed them again this year.) they came very helpful, being way in the back and next to each other, since we were able to talk/pass notes undetected. rather nice. but of course, we still paid attention.

this year, we have latin together,(and are making a extra-credit latin page) and lunch still, but no other classes. and, sadly, phoebe decided last year that she wanted to go to austrailia for a semester and study overseas, and she got accepted. so she's leaving me sometime in january for austrailia, and i'll no longer have my latin buddy. but i'm sure she'll have tons o' fun. (i'm trying to stay as positive as possible. most hopefully she will have email access, so i don't have to wait weeks for a letter. not that she checks her email all that often, anyways. *ahem*)

phoebe is a photographer. when she "grows up" (oh how i hate that phrase when used in association with getting older/having a career/etc..) she's going to do something photography-related. like cinematography (which is a good career, seeing how she's a movie nut.) and i can totally see that. and i can't wait til i can walk into barnes and nobles/borders/my local bookstore, walk over to the "photography" section and see a collection by phoebe. or see her name in the end credits (do they have cinematographers at the beginning?) of some million-dollar-grossing, emmy nominations (and wins) record-setting movie. cuz it'll happen.

phoebe and i also have a habit of making plans to take classes/learn outlandish things. like, we were going to take kickboxing lessons together this summer. we didn't. we were gonna take german and/or ground school at a local community college this fall. we didn't sign up. meg and i decided to take fencing lessons, and phoebe decided that that sounded like fun as well. we haven't, and most likely won't. sigh. i think we have problems following through.

you have a few choices:
