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Stuff you don't care about

Okie dokie, if you've come here then you're really bored so I'll try to make this as uninteresting as possible...hehe...sucker... I'm a 15 year old asswipe who has nothing better to do than to make a it goin'... Anyway, I obviously love Brad Renfro...mmm...sweetness...but I do also like Brad Pitt...mmm...and B-Rok from the Backstreet Boys...screw Nick, just gimme Brian!!

I like the Spice Girls and I reckon Mel C kicks ass!! But I also like Blur, the Offspring, Regurgitator and the Presidents of the United States of America, I know, I know, they've split.

Just shut up and bear with me. What else do I say? Um...if anyone is still reading this crap, I also like Jodie Foster (coz she's cool, she's my idol) and Jim Carrey (another idol). Sarah Michelle Gellar is cool too (are ya happy now Kylie?) But Drew Barrymore kicks ass coz I said she does!!

Anywayz, if ya feel like it, email either address... Preferably the new one, Brainless Moron...Oh, and I know Jean is gonna make me say this, Radiohead is...(i can't bear to say it...)cool...AAaaarrrrggghhhhh!!! But there is no way I'm saying that about Hanson!! I HATE HANSON!! They suck!! SUCK!! (I'm sorry Kylie, Penny, Dani, Kate and Laura but it had to be said) THEY SUCK!!

Anywayz, hi to everyone I know, hmm...Kylie M, Ange, Verity, Sup, and the rest of Laura's group...Carmen Denise etc etc etc

SOUTH PARK KICKS ASS!! Especially Hanson's!! (sorry agian K P D K and L) I LOVE CARTMAN (though not as much as Brad)!!

Yeah, that's all I had to say...oh and you can go now and visit my other page that i did with a friend on da net...
Amanda Coetzer thingy
Yeah, it has a link to embarrassing pics of my friends so go ahead and laugh..hehe Or you can go to my new Melanie C PICS Page if you wanna...

Melanie C Pics Galore!!

THERESA IS REALLY GROOVY...or something... Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!

Anywayz, since I LOVE Brad me dun make collages of the sweetness, I only got these few...

And since I also love B-Rok™ and Brad P I made these toooooo...

Anyway, my other pages are shit although I'm quite sure you're not even reading this so I can just slot these links of mine in here...excellent >:)

Stories written by ME!! For i am so great!!

Go visit my Amanda Coetzer Page
I made it with a friend so don't get all crappy at me if ya ever bother to visit it!!

Although that page has mainly BSb and Daria sounds...

All my Melanie C pics