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Scenes 51 - 53

Ok, now these are gonna be REALLY short coz this story wraps up in Scene 55 so I'm just gonna give ya scenes 51-53 coz I'm mean >:)

Scene 51: Sam and Ron are seen sneaking up on Jodie and Billy's house getting ready to ambush them and kill 'em. Little do they know that Ruby and Kris are right behind them.(Well not right behind them) Sam and Ron look through the window. Jodie and Billy are having dinner. Kris and Ruby hold up frying pans behind their heads.
CUT TO: All Jodie and Billy hear is two loud bongs from outside.
Billy: (freaked out) What was that?
Jodie: Don't worry, I'll check it out.
Jodie leaves and another bong is heard (Kris hit Jodie on the head) so Billy rushes outside
Billy: What the hell?
Kris: (VO: Hellooooo honey.) Uh, we'll explain inside.
Billy: What happened to Jodie?
Kris: I'm sorry what?
Billy points to Jodie who is lying on the ground
Kris: Ah, well…her sister hit her on the head with a frying pan.
Billy: But Jodie has a small tumor in her brain. This could kill her!
Kris: (VO: Uh oh.)
Ruby: Then call an ambulance you twit.
Billy rushes inside. Ruby and Kris continuously bang Sam and Ron's heads
Kris: We make beautiful music together. Sounds funny. A bit too hollow if you ask me.
Ruby: I can't believe you killed Jodie.
Kris: I didn't mean to. It was an accident. I thought they had a third accomplice to keep watch.
Ruby: Yeah, right.
They hear an ambulance
Ruby: Wow. They just get faster and faster every time.
Kris: Whaddaya mean every time?
Ruby: I'll tell you once you grow a brain.
Kris: Bastard.
The three bodies get shoved into the ambulance which takes off but suddenly spins out of control and into a tree causing everyone in it to die from the mass explosion.
Billy: Oh dear.
Billy goes back inside and calls another ambulance

A couple of days later

Scene 52: Ruby, Kris and Billy are walking along shopping. Kris and Billy are holding hands.
Ruby: (whispers to Kris) So what are you gonna do about Joey?
Kris: (eyes widen and she smiles at Billy innocently then turns to ruby and whispers) Oh shit!

Scene 53: Kris is driving her BMW with Joey in the passenger seat sticking his head out the window like a dog
Joey: Where are we going? Huh?!? Huh?!? Where are we going?
Kris stops the car in the middle of nowhere. Joey hops out
Kris: Go Joey. Run wild and preferably naked. You're free now.
Kris speeds off
Joey: (puzzled) Huh? (He think to himself) No…(like a dog howling)-Noooooooooo!!

Scenes 54 & 55 The last 2 scenes!!

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