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this doesnt have a title yet so any suggestions are welcome

Sc1: Two brothers getting ready for the first day of school. One brother, the elder one-Damon-, is slicking back his greasy hair with more grease, before wiping his hands on a nearby towel
CUT TO: His younger brother-Joey-, a normal, ordinary kid, pushes back his floppy hair, and quickly packs his bag
CUT TO: A different house where two sisters are also getting ready. The elder-Vanessa-, is an obvious tomboy, doing up her overalls and adjusting her cap before grabbing her old bag and going downstairs for breakfast
CUT TO: Her younger sister-Aimee-, she adjusts her short skirt and applies the last layer of lipstick before grabbing her make up and shoving it into a make up bag which she then shoves into her school bag
CUT TO: Damon and Joey eating brekkie. After each spoonful of Cocoa Pops Damon patiently pushes his thick framed glasses back up the bridge of his nose while Joey just watches. It's obvious he's used to it
CUT TO: Vanessa and Aimee eating brekkie. Vanessa is quietly chewing a brekkie bar and reading a book while Aimee is looking at her reflection in her spoon. Their mum comes in

Mum:Vanessa, what have I told you about reading at the table?
Ness:It's better than looking at Miss Teen Queen here admiring herself.
Aimee doesn't notice what's going on around her
Mum:Don't be mean. And smile once in a while. Your father and I like to know that years of dental appointments have actually paid off.
Ness fake smiles showing as much teeth as possible. Aimee looks up at Ness
Aimee: Oh dear God what happened to you?
Ness: Mum's making me be like you.
Mum: I am not!
Aimee: Well, if you're going to try to impersonate the real thing…you gotta be more aware of how you look.
Ness: Why did you not note the sarcasm in my voice?
Aimee:(jokingly) Sar-ca-sm?
Ness: Forget it.
Ness gets up
Mum: And where do you think you're going?
Ness:Well, I thought I'd go out back and get some action.
Mum: WHAT?
Ness:I'm gonna go to school and get away from…everything.
Ness leaves the room. Their Mum looks at Aimee who is still applying lip gloss over her lipstick
Aimee: Yeah mum?
Mum:Don't you have somewhere to go?
Aimee: No, why?
They sit for a while. Her mum is giving her time to think this through
Aimee: OH! I get it! Later Mum.
Aimee gets up and grabs her bag and goes after Ness
Mum: (sighs) I just don't even care anymore.

CUT TO: Joey and Damon catching the bus to school. They pass Ness and Aimee. Joey sits down with his friends from Primary. Damon sits with his best friend, Eddie. It's obvious they're loners since once Damon sits down, they both take out battleship games from their bags and begin to play. The bus finally arrives at school and they all get off the bus. Aimee has a guy tagging along, Eric who is carrying her books for her. Ness simply walks behind them looking at Eric like he's an idiot. Damon passes Ness who then trips him. Damon drops his battleship game (amazingly his hair doesn't move at all) and looks at Ness

Damon: Hey! That wasn't very nice.
Ness: No shit sherlock.
Damon: Now I don't now where these pieces go. Thanks a lot!
Ness: Anytime.
Damon picks up all his pieces as Ness walks away with her little group of friends suitably dressed in tomboy gear. Eric helps Damon
Eddie: What's up with Vanessa? She's usually really nice.
Damon: To girls. She hates guys.
They think this through. They both lift one eyebrow, look at each other then shake their heads
Eddie: Nah, she can't be (makes gestures that she's gay)
Damon: Why not?
Eddie: I dunno…
The bell goes and they grab the rest of the fallen objects and run to class

Sc2: They're all having lunch. Damon and Eddie are eating outside the library and still are playing battleships, closeby is Ness and her friends who have all brought their skateboards and are making use of the empty walkway leading to the library
Damon: Maybe she is gay.
Eddie: Damon. Who cares?
Damon: Good point.
They go back to their battleships game

CUT TO: Joey and his friends are eating lunch. Nearby is Aimee and her "popular" friends. Joey can't take his eyes off Aimee. His friend, Dean waves his hand infront of Joey who still doesn't take his eyes off her

Dean: What the hell is wrong with you?
Joey: What do you mean?
Dean: I mean, your little fixation with that girl over there.
Joey: Who her? I hadn't even noticed.
Dean:(raises an eyebrow) Uh huh. Sure. Just remember that she's signed up for the cheerleading stuff so she'll probably be going out with a footballer by the end of the year.
Joey: So?
Dean: Never mind.
Aimee looks over at Joey. Joey looks away and pretends not to have been looking
Dean: W-w-w-w-w-what was that?
Joey: What was what?
Dean: That! Are you blind? She's looking at you. To be exact, she's coming over here.
Joey: What??
Joey looks up and comes face to tummy with Aimee
Aimee: What are you looking at?
Joey: Huh? (looks up at her eyes) Oh right! (stands up) Hi.
Aimee: Hi.
They stand there not doing anything
Dean: He's Joey and you are…
Aimee: Aimee.
Dean:Well, isn't that great? He's Joey and you're Aimee. I'm just gonna go over here now.
Dean turns away leaving Joey and Aimee alone
Joey: So…uh…this your first year?
Aimee: Yeah.
Joey: Uh…
Aimee: Take me! Take me now!
Joey:Yes my dear. Anything for you!
They begin to make out. Then Joey realises he's dreaming and returns to reality
Aimee:(waving her hand infront of his eyes) Hello?
Joey: Huh? Sorry. So…if you don't mind me asking…
Aimee: Don't bother asking me out.
Joey: Well, that was quite a kick up the ass.
Aimee: No, don't take it the wrong way or anything…it's just…I'm not allowed to go out with guys.
Joey: Ok. Who are you allowed to go out with?
Aimee: Anything without a penis.
Joey: Ah. Well then. I'll just tell your parents I was in a serious accident that left me…inadquate.
Aimee laughs
Aimee: Uh…for some reason I think that'll blow in your face.
Joey: Yeah, I guess. Why can't you go out with guys?
Aimee: Cause, my sister has to go out first or something…I dunno…my family's a bit mixed up.
Joey: I can see that.
Aimee: Anyway, I better get going. But it was nice meeting you Joey was it?
Joey: Yeah. See you around school.
Aimee: Yeah.
Aimee goes back to her friends. Dean turns back to Joey
Dean: Ouch.
Joey: Shut up. Do you have any idea who her sister is?
Dean: Not a clue.
Joey: Damn! There's always a flaw somewhere.

Yeah, yeah, pretty corny...but I'm working on it!!! And the next few scenes will be up soon!!

Scenes 3 & 4

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