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Scenes 3 & 4!!

Back again!! Here it is...The not anticipated next 2 scenes...

Sc3: Damon is in his room drawing stuff on his bed. Joey knocks on his door
Damon: Hmm. Someone's at the door. I'll get it. The door…doesn't have a lock.
Joey walks into his room
Joey: Damon, I need some advice.
Damon: About what?
Joey: Girls.
Damon: And you came to me?
Joey: Well, dad's drunk in the basement and I don't wanna ask mum.
Damon: Fine. What information do you want to know that I don't have?
Joey: When a girl says she can't go out with you…
Damon: It means piss off.
Joey: And how do you know that?
Damon: If you're not gonna trust me I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
Joey: Fine fine…you're a computer whiz right?
Damon: Why?
Joey: I kinda need a favour.
Damon: If you need me to hack into the school computers…it'll cost you.
Joey: I know, I know.
Damon: So, how much you got?
Joey: 50.
Damon: 50? You're gonna have to do better than that!
Joey: That's all I got!
Damon: Fine…but you owe me!

Sc4: Damon and Joey leave their house in black at night
Damon/Joey: Bye mum.
Mum: Where are you two going?
Damon: Eddie's.
Mum: With Joey?
Damon:(pretends to be confused) Why…what are you doing here?
Joey: (plays along) Uh…Oh my God! What am I doing here?
Damon: Go. Leave me be!
Joey: Many pardons…Have fun.
Joey runs back upstairs to his room where he opens the window and steps onto the windowsill. He looks down where Damon is waiting. He looks around and looses his footing falling onto Damon
Damon: I'm going to have to hurt you.
Joey: I understand.
They get up and brush themselves off then start limping to school
CUT TO: A bush next to the school. Damon and Joey pop their heads from behind it. They walk over to a back door and Joey starts to try to pick the lock. Damon stands nearby and waits. He goes to lean against a window but unfortunately for him it was left open so he falls through
Joey: Will you be quiet?
Joey turns around, looks confused then climbs through the window but accidentally steps on Damon on a part he doesn't like to be stepped on! Damon yelps
Damon:(in a high pitched voice) I'm going to have to hurt you.
Joey: I know, I know.
Joey helps him up and they creep towards the school computers
Damon: So, what are we looking for anyway?
Joey: The sister of this girl I like.
Damon: Wha…? You intend on getting the girl of your dreams by dating her sister? Good game plan.
Joey: No! She told me how her sister has to date someone before she can.
Damon: So, you're gonna date her sister, break her heart, then go for the girl you like?
Joey: Actually, I was kinda hoping you'd date her.
Damon stops walking and turns to Joey
Damon: You were hoping what?
Joey: You heard. So will ya?
Damon: Not on your life.
Joey: Hey! She might be the girl of your dreams you know.
Damon: Or she could be a blood-sucking bitch. I choose not to take that chance.
Joey:Look, how about you hack into the school files, then I'll look up the girl and make one of my friends go out with the sister!
Damon: Much better.
They continue walking

CUT TO: i> Joey trying to find Aimee on the school files with Damon standing next to him

Damon: How you going there?
Joey: (obviously frustrated)I'm fine. Just a few more minutes.
Damon:Uh…you do realise I've already gotten rid of the password and all you gotta do is type in her name.
Joey: What?? But you said…
Damon: Oh, yes…that's right! I was taking the shit out of you.
Joey: I'm going to have to hurt you.
Damon: Yeah, yeah. Whatever.
Joey types in her name and then prints out the information
Joey: Okay, let's go.
Damon: Finally.
Joey: Well, if you had just told me the truth.
Damon:It says right there to type in name.
Joey: Shut up!
Damon shuts down the comp and then they leave

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I wanna go HOME!!

If ya wanna see scenes 1 & 2 again for no reason!!

Gimme scenes 5 & 6 NOW!!