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Scenes 27 and 28 YEAH BABY YEAH!!

Hmm, will Damon reveal his fruitiness to his best friend? Will his friend kick him in the nuts? Or will he hide these feelings for he knows it's a forbidden love?! Who knows? I don't even care anymore…

Sc27: Damon is looking at Eddie weird who seems irritated by Damon
Eddie: Man, what's up with you?
Damon: What do you mean?
Eddie: What do you mean what do I mean? You know exactly what I mean.
Damon: Totally.
Eddie: Look, if you don't stop looking at me like that I'm gonna…tell Aimee you're in love with her.
Damon: You wouldn't.
Eddie: Try me.
Damon: Fine, I won't look at you.

Damon turns away from Eddie and immediately does a look of pain

Damon: (VO: I'm smothering him, I knew it.)
Ness walks up to Damon and Eddie

Eddie: Thank God! Maybe you can tell me what's up with him.
Ness: Hi Damon.
Damon: I thought you hated me.
Ness: I do, but…I don't.
Damon: How so?
Ness: As much as I wanna rip your throat out…I still…like…you…
Damon: You do?
Ness: Yeah. I mean, well, don't you feel…anything? Hello?
Damon is staring at Eddie
Damon: Hmm? Huh? Don't I feel? Of course I feel.
Ness: Damon, what's up with you?
Damon: What? Why does everyone keep asking me that?
Ness: You look…kinda…distracted. Damon, look at me…look at me…
Damon looks at Ness
Ness: I really think we have something here.
Damon: I think I'm gay.
Ness: Not the reaction I was hoping for. What do you mean you think you're gay?
Damon: I think…I'm…fruity.
Ness: Oh. Then I'm wasting my time. Why do you think you're gay?
Damon: I have my reasons.
Ness: Ok, well, I'll be going now. Um, enjoy your…fruitiness. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Ness walks away. Damon continues looking at Eddie who looks back and seems confused again

Sc28: Damon is sitting on his bed when Joey suddenly bursts into his room
Joey: Hey, what's up with you?
Damon: Why does everyone keep asking me that?
Joey: I heard you rejected Vanessa. Thanks a lot. Now I'll never date Aimee.
Damon: But you guys see each other at school and you tie up the phone line every night pretending to be someone called…what was it…Roxanne?
Joey: What's your point?
Damon: Do I ever have one?
Joey: Why have you gotten so mean?
Damon: Can I ask you something? And you gotta promise not to laugh.
Joey: I can try.
Damon: Ok, hypothetically speaking…
Joey: Hypo what?
Damon: Ok, just pretend, um, there's this guy I know, and he thinks he's kinda…liking his best friend.
Joey: So?
Damon: His best friend is also male.
Joey: So? Gay men are cool.
Damon: Even if they're related to you?
Joey: You're in love with Eddie?
Damon: I think I…this guy I know who also knows Eddie thinks he might be…you know…into Eddie.
Joey: So what you're saying is, you think you're falling for Eddie.
Damon: Well basically yeah. So what do I do?
Joey: I dunno. Have you talked to Eddie about it?
Damon: Are there monkeys flying out of my ass?
Joey: No.
Damon: Well, there you go.
Joey: Are you gonna tell him?
Damon: I dunno. It depends. Can you do me a favour?
Joey: Like what?
Damon: You know what Eddie's like so, I'm gonna practice confronting him about my feelings but what I need you to do is respond for him.
Joey: Respond for who?
Damon: Eddie.
Joey: And who are you?
Damon: I'm me.
Joey: So why ain't I me?
Damon: Because you're Eddie.
Joey: So who's Eddie?
Damon: Eddie's nobody. You're Eddie.
Joey: I'm Eddie?
Damon: You're Eddie.
Joey: And who are you?
Damon: I'm me.
Joey: So who's me?
Damon: Nobody.
Joey: Why aren't you me?
Damon: Why would I be?
Joey: I dunno.
Damon: Do you have feelings for Eddie?
Joey: Hell no.
Damon: Well then. Do you…understand?
Joey: Yeah…So…how do we start?
Damon: Well, I'm just gonna ask you some things and you gotta respond. Ready?
Joey: Yep.
Damon: You start.
Joey: Why do I start?
Damon: Because Eddie's always the first one to start the conversation.
Joey: Oh. Ok then. (clears his throat) Hi Eddie.
Damon: (dryly) You've forgotten haven't you?
Joey: What?
Damon: I don't think you quite understand what we're attempting here. You see we're trying to have a conversation between Eddie and myself where I speak for myself and you answer the questions.
Joey: As Eddie?
Damon: Now you've got it.
Joey: You had me confused.
Damon: I could see I had.
Joey: So shall I start?
Damon: Go right ahead.
Joey: (clears his throat) Hello Damon, lovely weather we've got.
Damon: Yes, quite. Um…Eddie.
Joey: Yes Damon?
Damon: I was just wondering, you know how curious I am and all, if someone walked up to you right now and declared their undying live for you…how would you feel?
Joey: Well, that'd be pretty cool. Just knowing that someone has feelings for me makes me feel great.
Damon: And how would you feel if that person just happened to be male?
Joey: I'm sorry could you repeat that?
Damon: You heard what I said.
Joey: How do you know that?
Damon: Because I know you're being an idiot.
Joey: Well, if you're gonna talk to me like that…I want you to leave.
Damon: What??
Joey: You heard what I said.
Damon: Now you're doing this on purpose.
Joey: Just go! And take your damn battleships with you. You'll never work in this town again!
Damon: Ok, let's stop while…we're ahead. (screams) What the hell do you think you were doing?
Joey: What? I was merely giving Eddie a little more…character…a little more depth.
Damon: Eddie has none of those things and you know that.
Joey: (shocked) How can you say such things about your love?
Damon: He is not my love.
Joey: How can you be so sure?
Damon: Because I just a picture in my head that's gonna give me 10 more years of therapy.
Joey: And what picture would that be?
Damon: Eddie and I…holding hands. I think I'm gonna be sick!

Damon runs out of the room

Joey: So…what exactly are you trying to say?

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I just wanna go HOME