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Scene 31 -the final scene-


Sc31: HIGH SCHOOL REUNION - Aimee and Joey are drinking punch and talking to a couple of old school mates. Damon and Ness arrive together and start talking to Aimee and Joey
Joey: Damon! Vanessa! Looking lovely as usual.
Ness: Hey Joey. How are the little'uns?
Joey: Well, they're taller now and can reach a lot more than they used to.
Aimee: We were so proud when little Mark taught himself how to write…with a calligraphy pen.
Damon: Who wouldn't be?
Dean and Eddie turn up together
Joey: (to Damon) Oh my Lord!
Damon: What? (turns and sees Eddie and Dean) Oh…my.
Eddie: Damon! It's been so long!
Damon: Too long.
Dean: Hey Joey.
Joey: Hey…you.
Dean: Surprised?
Joey: Well, yeah.
Dean: Hey, there's Rachel Gibbs. Do you remember when you and Aimee had that fight and you and Rachel…
Aimee: You and Rachel what? What did you do with Rachel?
Joey: Uh…homework?
Ness: So anyway, Eddie…when did this…happen?
Eddie: A couple of years ago. We bumped into each other…literally and we went out for coffee. We just…hit it off.
Ness: Well, I'm glad you're happy.
Eddie: Thanks.
Damon: So what are you doing nowadays?
Eddie: Me and Dean own a bookstore.
Damon: Dean and I.
Eddie: Huh?
Damon: Do you guys read the books?
Eddie: We sell them stupid.
Damon: Forget it.
CUT TO: Joey and Dean are talking to Rachel
Ness: Aren't you gonna do something about that?
Aimee: No…he's a single guy trapped in a married man's body.
Ness: Oh…What the hell is she wearing?
Aimee: What isn't she wearing?
CUT TO: Damon and Eddie
Eddie: So are you and Vanessa…
Damon: We're just friends, why can't anyone accept that guys and girls can be just friends.
Eddie: It's like, an unwritten law or something. You know she likes you, right?
Damon: That was a long time ago. The feelings are mutual.
Eddie: Ok, whatever you say.
Eric and Carol turn up together. Carol is pregnant
Aimee: Eric!
Ness: Carol?
Carol: Hey Vanessa!
Eric: Hi. How've you all been?
Ness: Good, although evidently, not as good as you two.
Carol: Funny. So are you and Damon…
Ness: No, we're just friends blah, blah, blah.
Carol: I'm so sorry.
Ness: No, it's better this way…apparently. He doesn't want to jeopardise our friendship.
Aimee: Have you shown him leg?
Ness: I've shown him leg, back, stomach, cleavage, you name it, I've shown it. Nothing works.
Aimee: Just get him drunk.
Ness: (jokingly) Why, is that how you got little Mark?
Aimee: No comment.
Carol: Anyway, who else has arrived?
Ness: Do you remember Dean Mars and Eddie Burbank?
Carol: Yeah, sort of.
Ness: Just take a look over there.
Ness points to Dean and Eddie who are dancing together
Carol: What the…Really?
Ness and Aimee nod
Carol: How cute.
CUT TO: Everyone leaving the school reunion. Damon, Ness, Joey, Aimee, Dean, Eddie, Carol and Eric are all standing in the car park
Dean: Well, we'd better be off, early day tommorow.
Eddie: Lovely seeing you all again.
Everyone: Bye.
Dean and Eddie walk to their car
Carol: I have a histogram tomorrow so I need to sleep. Come on Eric.
Eric: But I'm talking to the guys.
Carol: (sternly) Come on Eric.
Eric: See you guys later. Bye.
Carol and Eric leave
Aimee: Well, this is about the time when Mark pukes onto our babysitter so do we have to go too.
Joey: See you later…in an alligator!
Damon: Did you watch Asterix and Cleopatra again?
Joey: (sheepishly) Maybe.
Ness: See you later guys.
Both couples part and head for their cars
Damon: So, did you have fun?
Ness: Oh yeah…great fun. I still can't believe Eddie and Dean…
Ness opens her side of the car and turns to Damon who kisses her
Damon: I know, I'm jeopardising our friendship but I really think…
Ness kisses him to shut him up
Ness: Great minds think alike.
They smile at each other then kiss again as Eddie and Dean, Carol and Eric and Aimee and Joey all drive past and honk their horns at Ness and Damon


All done!

Take me HOME

I wanna start reading Ruby