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Dana Scully the Divine

Vital Scully Statistics

OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION: This is some other information that Lara knows about her good friend Dana, at least stuff that she doesn't mind you knowing! Dana attended college at the University of Maryland, where she graduated in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics. Her senior thesis was entitiled, "Einstein's Twin Paradox: A New Interpretation." She then attended Medical school with residency in Forensic Pathology. Dana joined the FBI in 1990, where she taught at Quantico, the FBI's training facility in Virginia until 1992 when she was assigned to the X-Files. Dana is a Catholic and attends St. John's church in Alexandria. She prefers baths to showers(as most ladies do), smokes cigarettes, usually prefers Camel Lights,(Lara lights up an occasional Chesterfield) has a phobia of snakes, and has no singing ability what so ever. Unfortunatly Dana is not bi-lingual, although she did study German in college, having spent too much time in labs and not enough conjugated versions of sein or haben. Dana can also unwind, even though some think she is uptight, her drink of choice is wine, usually white, for those of u skeptical goto Small Potatoes, Tempus Fugit, Never Again and Detour.

Dana Scully is a great role model, a strong, intelligent, sexy, woman who has just the correct mix of exterior harshness and inner vulnerability. The only question that needs to be asked is, when is Dana going to join Lara in the world of polygonal heroines?? Eidos, Square, CapCom, Konami, anyone?? R U out there? Maybe I'll just have to make the game, and then get sued by FOX for millions of dollars, end up making the cover of Entertainment Weekly because of the lawsuit, having thousands of Philes around the world rally behind me, etc. etc. etc..... you don't want to hear me babble anymore so just go look at my Dana Scully collage instead. Now where was I.....

Dana Scully Photo Collage
