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The Kingdom The Bible Chapel Bible Prophecy Awards Hall
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Awards Hall AWARDS RATED 3.0
British History Award
British History Bronze Award
Level 3.0
British History

Congratulations, you have won the British History Bronze Award. This award is given to outstanding Web Pages and recognises the hard work that was put into the development of your web site. My compliments on a job well done! ... The British History Award has been rated a Level 3.0 from AWARD SITES!
Bronze Silver Spike Award
Bronze Silver Spike Award
Level 3.0
Spike Art Studios

We are most pleased to inform you that your wonderful site The Kingdom has received our Bronze SilverSpike Award!
... and we thank you for giving us the chance to view and review your site.
... we thank you again for giving us this opportunity and look forward to visiting your site again! Keep up the great work!

Doug's World Merit Award
Merit Award
Level 3.0
Doug's World

Congratulations...After doing a thorough review of your site we award you with my "Merit" Award. You've done a good job in the creation of your site and we have enjoyed our visit with you. Please continue to share your special gift! .....
My award program has been rated 3.0 by AS! It has also been rated 4 stars by Paris Excellence Club! Classification 5 by United Award Givers.

Awards Hall Awards Rated 4.0 Awards 3.5 2000 Awards Rated 3.0 Page 2 Awards Rated 2.5 Awards Rated 2.0 Christian Awards 2000 Design Awards 2000 Top Site Awards 2000 Excellence Awards 2000 General Awards 2000 General Awards 2000 Page 2 General Awards 2000 Page 3

Page created 5-7-2001. Page updated 5-14-2001.

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The Kingdom web site established 12-10-1998. No part of this site may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the Webmaster.
Copyright © 1998-1999-2000-2001 The Kingdom. All rights reserved. This site created and maintained by Simon Ferguson.

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