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The Kingdom House of Israel Bible Chapel Bible Prophecy Awards Hall
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Awards Hall Link Us Links Simon

Awards Rated 4.0

Awards 3.5 2000

Awards Rated 3.0

Awards Rated 3.0 Page 2

Awards Rated 2.5

Awards Rated 2.0

Christian Awards 2000

Design Awards 2000

Top Site Awards 2000

Excellence Awards 2000

General Awards 2000

General Awards 2000 Page 2

General Awards 2000 Page 3

THANK YOU, everyone who gave The Kingdom an award. It is an honor! All credit should be to The Father in Heaven, in Jesus The Christ's name.

Simon Ferguson

Michael Starz Homepage Bronze Excellence Award

Michael Starz Homepage
Bronze Excellence Award
Level 3.0

Congratulations: your site scored 51 on the first shot - this means bronze !!! ....
An interesting site with much information - for sure an important resource in the web for all interested visitors. Design, quality and function are o.k. - well done! ....
Keep on with your good work and enjoy the award !

JEHP Merit Award

JEHP Award Program
JEHP Merit Award
Level 4.0

Bold Site Award

Internet Tips & Secrets
Bold Site Award
Level 3.5

Thanks for applying for our award. Your site is pretty bold, and it has won the award!


Page created 3-21-2000. Page updated 6-15-2001

Background from Draac's Free Gifs 123
Midi from Daves Midis

The Kingdom web site established 12-10-1998. No part of this site may be reproduced without the expressed written consent of the Webmaster.
Copyright © 1998-1999-2000-2001 The Kingdom. All rights reserved. This site created and maintained by Simon Ferguson.


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