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new arrivals

Finally, I've gotten a chance to put a page for the kids that will be arriving soon or have already gotten here. Here they go!

This is Mallory Kathleen, my fourth talker. She has long auburn hair and gorgeous blue eyes, although they look purple in these pics. This doll is near mint and she talks and sings up a storm.

This is Bethany Claire. She is my long-awaited #12 girl who arrived from Florida on Monday. She has a pink signature 1989, and she has a rather unusual hairstyle. It's a poodle everywhere else but this one section where she has a ponytail.

Roll call! Left to right: Barry Lyndon, Stella Luna, Cassidy Roseanne, Hannah Molly.

Marcy Katrina arrived this week and this pic does not do her justice. She is near mint and She is gorgeous beyond belief and talks up a storm. Her HTF cup and her papers have also arrived.

This cutie was a very special gift from a very special CPK collector friend. :) He had been in her personal collection. He's an 85 I believe, and his name is Boyce Tobie. He is totally mint in his box. When she gave me the gift, my aunt was having surgery (she has since died) and my mom had also been quite ill, both at the same time.

Meet Aliyah Danielle! This Hasbro Birthday Girl cutie was (appropriately enough) a birthday gift. She loves to sing and also likes birthdays!

Mariah just arrived! She's a Cornsilk Kid, near mint. She still has her Cornsilk tag and brush attached! She's another fashion plate who loves to shop.

MY LONG-AWAITED TALKER IS HERE!!!! I'M SOOO HAPPY!! I need a cup though and an outfit, which I'll probably have made when I have time.

Also with her were five other CPKs, a #1 bald baby with blue eyes, a #1 boy with tan hair and green eyes and a P side tag, a #5 boy with an IC2 side tag and auburn hair and brown eyes, a #15 girl with an OK side tag, brown hair and eyes, and a #23 grohair CPK with blonde hair and green eyes. Will get around to naming them and clothing them sometime this week. Trying to decide which dolls to keep and which to resell.

About my first talker

Megan's "official" pic (left), and a closeup shot, both scanned in by Chris. Thanks a bunch!

Megan Michaela

She was named after each of my two daughters. The other kids call her "Motormouth Megan" because she loves to talk! She says her favorite foods are spinach, chocolate, vanilla ice cream, and pickles and she doesn't like apple juice and pizza. She also likes cuddling and lots of hugs and kisses (quite affectionate!). She has a mint signature on her bum. I believe she wants to be the next Oprah. Since she kept complaining that she was lonely, I did eventually get her a friend to talk to. But she, apparently, is the gregarious sort. The more friends she has, the happier she is. You should hear these gossiping girls. They talk about everything! Hear Megan talk! Click on this link.

She has reddish brown curly hair (more brown than red, despite the scan) and deep blue eyes. I think the hair goes past her shoulders, and she has the T-8 head mold. I had to comb it a little, but actually it was in better shape than I expected, after reading the horror tales from my collector friends (you know who you are). I had to put a deep conditioning treatment in it to make it behave. I hesitate to call it auburn but there's no other way to describe it. She talks great, except you sometimes have to prod her -- and when she does get warmed up you can't get her to stop -- and there's some kind of a noise when she talks. I suspect it comes from her mouth mechanism, maybe something is stuck or something. If you know what's causing it and how to fix it, please email me I like to think she has a slight speech impediment as I do teach children with speaking problems. The kids in my class think she's a hoot.



I was so excited about "Motormouth" Meg that I almost forgot about the others! So here they go.

Chelsea Kay She's a Mattel Painting Faces kid I got over the weekend. She has the CK 47 head mold, strawberry blonde(!!) cornsilk hair and green eyes. She's also all vinyl. She wants to be a makeup artist as she loves doing the other girls' faces (and her own, I must add!)

David Duncan He's a #1 headmold, 1983 CPK boy with champagne loops and green eyes. He has a P tag and a black signature. He's one of the oldest kids in the house. He is seriously into golf and someday wants to become a pro golfer and win The Masters.

Emily Jordana She's a cutey! #11 pink tongue headmold, long blonde straight cornsilk hair, blue eyes, right holding hand, pink signature with 1986 date. She's a mischievous one who likes to tease the others and draw pictures. P.S. Emily is the one in the middle. I haven't retaken her pic yet.

Happie Lily She's a #15 head mold with a pink 1986 signature, with a brown single pony and brown eyes. Ever wonder how she got that name? Because she's always smiling! She likes to go roller skating (okay, roller blading too) and make people laugh. I think she might join a circus when she grows up!

Ashley Sabrina She's a #23 Grohair CPK with a purple 1988 signature. She has platinum blonde hair and green eyes. Ashley loves to comb her hair, and the other kids think she's a little vain! She wants to be a model when she grows up.

Mark Anthony Mark is a #5 boy with a single tooth, tight auburn loops, brown eyes, a 1986 dated signature, and a right holding hand. He loves all sports, but he's really crazy about baseball. He's already started a baseball card collection. And his favorite team? The Houston Astros! He's the older brother of the talker, Megan Michaela.

Connor Ryan Connor is an accident-prone #10 boy with a 1986 signature and a right holding hand. He has tight tan loops and wide-set blue eyes. He's been stitched up pretty good in two different places, and he likes to go exploring, especially around the backyard. As if his medical history would stop him! Ah, kids.

Marissa Angela She's a #9 (!) with one red ponytail and green eyes and a blue signature 1985. My personal source tells me this color combination was popular in late '85 (when she was born) and 1986, but not with the #9s, so I really got lucky when I found her. Marissa is quite the charmer. She likes gymnastics, aerobics, and watching cartoons. You should've seen me when I found out she was a #9. I practically did backflips in my house!

Joshua (Josh) Wayne He doesn't like "Joshua," he prefers to be called "Josh". He said so himself. You should see the cornsilk buzz cut on this cute little boy. He has a 1989 signature, a P tag, and a #18 headmold, with auburn hair and brown eyes. He's a bad boy who wants a Harley and a leather jacket! But he also has his sweet side, with his tongue sticking out. He's become fast friends with my other wild children, Alison and Lauren. I guess birds of a feather flock together.

Annie Camille

My first POPCORN!!! I'm sooo happy. I got her this past Christmas. She has the #18 headmold, a missing side tag (but I think she's a P because she's long and thin), a red single popcorn pony and blue eyes. She loves to sing, and when she grows up, she wants to sing on Broadway.

Abigail Louise She's a petite, spunky Mattel kid with pale blonde hair and LAVENDER eyes. She has the EIGHT TEETH headmold. She loves singing along to Barney and she likes tumbling around the house. Little Abigail wants a pair of skates.

Sara Frances

She's named after a friend of mine. She's Megan's half-sister and they look a lot alike. She's a nearly mint talker I got at a local doll show. I found her with what appears to be an all-original outfit and a talker tag. I paid $20 for her, which isn't bad at all. The lady (she's from Kansas) who sold her to me didn't know whether or not she worked, but, turns out, she does! She has light brown curly ponytails (which are in great shape), blue eyes, the slightest hint of pink on her cheeks, and the #8 headmold (one dimple & long nose). Even though she's a talker, she's a bit on the shy side. Not that she doesn't work -- quite the contrary, actually -- but she'll talk openly to me and not much at all to Megan or the other 'Kids. She might be a good listener, since Megan totally dominates most of the conversations. Every once in awhile Sara'll go "Hmmm" while Megan's talking. She loves to read a lot of books, sing, EAT, and watch TV. She's very wholesome and affectionate (well, to me).

Gabby Amanda Gabby has a T9 Talker headmold. She las long platinum blonde hair and lavender eyes. Gabby bears a strong resemblance to Dolly Parton and loves country music. I don't have a pic of her yet but one is definitely coming.

Taylor Sharon Taylor is a Mattel Snacktime Kid with crimped pale blonde ponies and green eyes. She is a girl who is constantly on the go. She's one of those "eat on the run" types. She came with her original clothes and even her backpack, but I have no clue how to operate her and how to get her to "eat." Did she come with food and stuff? If so, could someone please tell me what kind of food she ate and where I could find it so I could see whether or not she works.

Hannah Molly She's a #5 HM (single tooth) 1985 Kid with lemon blond ponies and blue eyes. Hannah loves to sleep and have slumber parties. OK tag.

Cassidy Roseanne She's a #20 HM Coleco Bathtime Kid with red hair and lavender eyes, a color combo I haven't seen much of. She loves taking baths. She came with her robe, her shower cap (which was stretched a bit) and her slippers!

Barry Lyndon He's a 1985 bald CPK baby boy with blue eyes and a PMI tag. He came with his original hard pacifier (which is rare and expensive) and his original outfit, an elephant-print corduroy jumper and his original blue and white sweater.

Stella Luna She's a Hasbro Crimp and Curl kid with brown hair and blue eyes. She loves looking at the stars and wants to be a hairdresser when she grows up.

Casey Shannon #18 HM Designer Kid, pink signature. She has red cornsilk hair, blue eyes, and FRECKLES! Casey's a nature lover from Oregon, so she loves long hikes in the mountains. However, there aren't any mountains here in Louisiana, so she just takes long walks in the woods. :)

Britney Hasbro Preschooler. Lemon blond crinkled yarn hair, brown eyes. Britney has a spot on her nose, but I call it a beauty mark. She loves to sing to her namesake, Britney Spears. LOL

Carmen Isabella My first Jesmar. This cutey's a #2 with brown hair and blue eyes. She speaks fluent Spanish too. Carmen loves the macarena and flamenco dancing and swears she'll marry Ricky Martin.

Violet Joellen

Coleco 1983 doll. Violet's tall. VERY tall, about 20". She's also Canadian. She's a #4 with a brown poodle, violet eyes (hence her name) and two ponies. Violet wants to be a model someday.

Meet Cassandra Christmas, Cherie, and Mahalia,! They arrived special delivery this past week....Cassandra is a Mattel Kid whose favorite holiday is Christmas and loves to play in the snow, Cherie is an 83 Mattel kid, #3 HM, with a coffee-colored reroot and green eyes. She replaces a doll I had when I was younger and unfortunately is lost. Mahalia is a preemie girl, #3 HM, who likes lots of hugs and kisses!

Meet my newest cutie, my 1st-ever softie! She was born in 1985 and her name is Johanna. She likes to help out with the little babies. Now to find a place to put all these kids!!!

Click this link to go back to my regular kids page. When I redo this site all the kids will be on one page. Back to my home page.