To learn about each one of us, simply scroll down.
If you want to know us individually, just click on our names below.
- Alyssa Marie
- Caroline Elizabeth
- Grace Roxanna
- Erin Elizabeth
- Tara Lynne

- Pink signature 1986 -- OK tag
- Head mold: #8
- Brown hair, brown eyes, olive complexion
- Likes watching detective shows on TV and reading Nancy Drew
- Wants to be (surprise) a detective or a journalist!

- Brown signature 1983 -- she's a Jesmar
- #3 headmold
- Light brown braids, big blue eyes
- Sweet as can be Southern belle; likes walks and afternoon teas; friends say she was born in the wrong time period
- Wants to own an antebellum home

- Black signature 1983 -- OK tag
- #3 headmold
- Dark brown hair, brown eyes, African American
- Likes to give her friends advice
- Wants to write for a national CPK newspaper

- Blue signature 1985
- #4 pacifier headmold
- Fiery red hair, blue eyes
- Is very dramatic and a movie buff
- Constantly compares herself to her older sister Erica
- Wants to be an actress!

- Pink signature 1986
- #8 headmold; has gotten glasses since pic was taken
- Butterscotch blonde hair, blue eyes
- Loves to write stories and constantly dreams about Mr. Right
- Wants to be a romance novelist!
More profiles coming soon!