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Gallery 2: 1996-2003

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Photos by Cindy Woon; last 3 contributed by Davi Lovatt.

(c) 1998 John Koviak

(c) 1998 SUB VERSION

Sub Version at Coven 13 in Los Angeles, Sept. 6, 1998. (c) 1998 John Koviak.

Sub Version at Jimmy's in New Orleans, Oct. 30, 1998. Photos by Melanie Kuehl

John and Jenn (the webmistress) on Halloween night in New Orleans, 1998.

(c) 1999 John Koviak

John and Rob at Bar Sinister, June 2001. Photo by A. Podzunas

Another pic from the Bar Sinister show. Photo by D. Malinova.

Singing in the RAIN! @ Bar Sinister 3-15-03

Co-collaborator, Rob

John - 1993

Heineken tastes waaaaaaaay better in Amsterdam.....

If you have pictures of John you'd like to contribute, please feel free to e-mail us, and be sure to include your name so we can give you credit.

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