Lafayette Swampcats
Hello folks. I don't really do too much maintenance to this page anymore since there isn't a team to write about. Well, that and the fact that I am a slacker.
Beau Brown and Matt Johnson ham it up for the camera.
Here's Coach Poggi trying to act important. *lol* 

Thomas at his best...

Ok, I guess I can say this now...I had the biggest crush on Tim Henson...my friends would always threaten to tell him. And as wild and loud as I am, you wouldn't think that something like that would embarrass me so much...My face is turning red as I type this...*sigh*
This is Steve and Steve. A couple of goof balls.
Troy Dusosky...or is it Todd? Just kidding...it's Troy. I don't know what I did with my pics of Todd.
This page is in no way affiliated with the Lafayette Swampcats or the Eastern Indoor Soccer League. And since there is no more EISL or Swampcats, there isn't much to worry about.
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