All Hail Me-Tribute to serial killers
American Thighs-Tribute to AC/DC 'knocking me out with those American Thighs' from You Shook Me All Night Long
Awesome-Reaction to fame and success
Benjamin-Nina's pet rabbit and from 'The Graduate' where Audrey Hepburn is screaming Bemjamin
Earthcrosser-The band's experience with touring
Eight Arms To Hold You-The working title of the Beatles movie Help!
Hey Little Ghost-Longing for far-away boyfriend
Oreo-Story from a friend about luring girls at a camp with junk food
Seether-Venting uncontrollable anger
Spiderman-Over-controlling boyfriend
Straight-Telling a boyfriend to stop being stoned all the time
Stoneface-Seeking attention from a drugged boyfriend
Sundown-Memory of the death of Kurt Cobain
Veruca Salt-The little girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory who always wanted more
Volcano Girls-Once again, fame and success and dealing with hype
With David Bowie-Tribute to the man himself and Nina's Sony Walkman
Wolf-Mourning for deceased pet cat
Veruca Salt Stuff
Leah's Music Page
Veruca Salt Main Page