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...the future's sold out"

"Slow motion, see me let go..."

are these not the most horrendous looking guys you've ever seen? baa!

hmm, this is laura doing the natural tree thing.

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putt's a sad state of affairs.


Whooooooooop! Cruise!

Evaporated Left alone, on the beach, as in directly in the sand, and to see the snowcrabs running around, completely blissful and fully unaware of the magnitude which they posses. kiilllla, it's all about the beeeaches. and the sand, it's noise, get it? "squish squish" sorta. yea?

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Coal-black seas towered upon all sides and a glittering myriad of tropical stars drew a faint reflection from the water. The world was simple-stars in the darkness. Whether it was 1947 BC or AD suddenly became of no significance. We lived, and that we felt with alert intensity. We realized that life had been full of men before the technical age also-in fact, fuller and richer in many ways than the life of modern man. Time and evolution somehow ceased to exist; all that was real and that mattered were the same today as they had always been and would always be. We were swallowed up in the absolute common measure of history-endless unbroken darkness under a swarm or stars. -Chopin

There's Things I Remember, There's Things I. . .Forget

It was just WAY too easy on the cruise

And so I'm the confused drummer of no particular skill.

(Woo). I am AWESOME yes?

falling in love ~ laughing so hard your face hurts ~ a hot shower ~ driving with the tops off ~ a good sweaty rock concert ~ hot towels out of the dryer ~ long distance phone calls ~ whispering ~ the beach ~ midnight phone calls that last for hours ~ laughing at yourself ~ running through sprinklers ~ being
told you're beautiful ~ laughing at an inside joke ~ spending time with old friends ~ sweet dreams ~ road trips ~ someone playing with your hair ~ hot chocolate in the ski lodge ~ presents under the tree ~ eye contact ~ holding hands with someone you love ~ running into an old friend and realizing some things never change ~ swinging in the park ~ laughing hysterically for no reason at all ~ friends ~ crisp one dollar bills ~ watching the sunrise ~ finding a $20 in your pocket ~ running in the park

whose car is that? huh? huh?

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crazy megs

Sometimes you fade, and sometimes you sort of black out. That's how life is. Sort of hard to understand at times, why things happen and you're left with twice the emotion that you had before, but half the heart. Some things you just can't get back. Those lost moments stand there and laugh in your face, in a way. Not being able to say what you really mean to say, in an incredibly poetic and perfect way. What defines a person's life is how they decide to fill it. And I hate to see those people who completely define themselves by those who surround them. Yet there are always those times that everyone just wants to float along. There are many painful moments in life, and at those times it seems the heavy completely outweighs the good in life. But like a perfect sunset off the perfect beach with some perfect summer...have no doubt that it will return to good. And while you feel completely underneath the sand, whether you're conscious of it or not, simple force of nature will cause the waves to wash the sand away. The tide rises, the tide falls.

I remember those amazing moments right in the middle, and right before the end. Trying not to dwell on the crash over the edge of the bridge, it sort of dampens the pain. Nobody really understands or can relate as to why there's a sharp pain at certain parts of a song. Everything is so personal. You can't just expect things to stay...perfect. Nobody wants something that's fake, or unemotional. Yet it's a definite talent to balance that perfectness once it's achieved... The hardest thing though is just the realization that it is perfect, because it's just after so soon that perfect becomes gone. And when it's gone...just say goodbye.

"You've dreamed a thousand dreams, none seem to stick in your mind"

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