What's Up: This page I originally discriminated against. Why? I don't know. I seemed to be avoiding any in game info and going mainly for side writings and spoofs. So I figured, why not provide newcomers with old information? (Anyone who started KOFing later than '94 was REAL interested in what older KOFs were like). Why not provide some upcoming info? Why not have the info on the latest KOF game? Why not help guide a few people to KOF victory with a few well-written (not by me) FAQs? So Here is the result, thus rounding out my page completely. I cheaply just refer you to the game's respective areas on the GAMEFAQS webpage but I will add my own game information.
Arcade FAQs, as they are the most General. KOF 99 Evolution FAQs for Dreamcast system.
The King OF Fighters '98 including DreamMatch: 99
The King OF Fighters '99 EVOLUTION