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KOF Character Profiles

All SNK Fighters Eligable, but some just won't make it...

Here are some things found in the profiles.

According To Anime: Just info about the character's appearence in Anime. There have been a few SNK based Anime's (Fatal Fury, Art Of fighting) but no KOF, so don't look for much of this.

SAAP or SNK Age Analysis Project: This is my lowly attempt to try to decipher how SNK aging works. Each character should get their own analysis as some have age as more of a bio factor than others. SAAP is not official character bio information. It is just needless fun info and serves as an explanation to those uninformed and ask the crazy question "why don't these video game characters get older like they're supposed to?" Because that would ruin the game, that's why.

In Game Experience/Endings: Things you'll find about the character in the game (usually endings), but sometimes there will be more (such as Chang and Choi's appearence in a Kim Kap Hwan Fatal Fury ending).

Profiles are recieving the following:

The NEW "Track Record" list.

New "Featured In"... list.

And the freakin' bios everyone keeps asking me about (you know, age, favorite food, etc...) which I was saving for somewhere else, but I need a quick reference as well.

What's Up (3/14/00): In short, got decent KOF access (instead of just '95 and '97) so profiles have info found in games as well (meaning the Orochi storyline is celarer). Profiles are being revamped. I reccomend only viewing the revamped ones. If you think "ah, it's getting a minor update" think again. The Kyo profile REVAMP quadrupled its size/

You'll notice I have profiles for every KOF character listed and as far as i'm concerned, that's it. Some might ask, "What about Foxy, Candy and Diana?" (Dooooommmmm). And i'll say, "Shut up." No, I won't say that. I really don't consider them legitamate characters, NESTS superior or whatnot. The KOF 99 PS Galley showed PERFECTLY legitimate NESTS people with Krizalid in one picture, not some unoriginal Star Wars (nothing against Star Wars) looking characters whom I believe some to have been ripid from an outside source.... Oh, but they'll get their section... yes.... ha..haha..ha....

Profiles So Far Revamped (no need at even looking at the others unless you're that bored):


Kyo Kusanagi Mai Shiranui Lucky Glauber Kim Kap Hwan Li XiangFei Vice Chizuru Kagura Sie Kensou
K' Geese Howard Ralf Jones Yuri Sakazaki Ryuji Yamazaki Shingo Yabuki Billy Kane's dope! Andy Bogard.
Krizalid Blue Mary Rugal Bernstein Saishu Kusanagi Maxima The Big G! Goenitz Joe Higashi Seth
CLONE KYO'S! Benimaru Nikaido Ryo Sakazaki THE Jhun Hoon Ramon Goro Daimon Terry Bogard Whip (Mochuko)
Vanessa Athena Asamiya Robert Garcia Iori Yagami Yuki Kushinada Takuma Sakazaki Heidern Chin Gentsai
Chang Koehan Kasumi Todo King Choi Bounge Clark Steele Leona Heidern Bao Yashiro Nanakase
Wolfgang Krauser Chris Eiji Kisaragi Mr. Big Brian Battler Shermie Mature Heavy D!
Orochi Hinako Shijo Kula Diamond Zero Alfred Shizumaru Hisame Richard Meyer Kazuki Kazama
Jin Chonrei Rimururu Sogetsu Kazama Wyler Ms. X

Most Info. pertaing to the King Of Fighters '97 & '98. Now '99 and 2000.

Chonshu: Guess he'll be adding a whole slew of SNK characters to this section.

Chonrei: Yeah! Now everyone can learn that you're not a girl.

Chonshu:Oh yeah, huh?

Done? Head On Back Then, Turbo.