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~*~The love of friends~*~

You have held me as I rocked with tears-
Soul shaking with my sadness
You have stroked my hair, my hand
So I could know warmth in my soul's coldness.
You have listened long into the night
As this journey of pain unfolded
And I sat paralysed, unable to be strong.

You have reached in and touched
The core of my being with tenderness.
And helped me find hope in blackness.
You have loved me with a generosity
Of spirit that has left me free
To find myself and my own way.

I am on this journey now.
Your friendships still surround me
With warmth and love and grace,
But you have left space for me
To grow. I will reach you again-
Touch you with my wholeness-
But this voyage, I must do alone.

credits: poem Fiona Tito, 1996
image Socs, 2000
