MTVixen : Welcome, Jake, Kalle,
MTVixen : Vince,
MTVixen : Oscar....
RR4Vince : oscar, thanks for calling me...
MTVixen : and we are waiting for Erika...
MTVixen : HI Y'all!
RR4Oscar : waddup ....
RR4Vince : let's all CURSE!!!
RR4Vince : j/k
RR4Jake : Hey Hey Hey - what's up?
RR4Vince : with sugar on top?
RR4Vince : I"m sitting naked right now in front of my computer
RR4Jake : Lets get it on
RR4Jake : Vince - you too
MTVixen : Gang's all here, ready for your questions, audience!
RR4Jake : I get good computer
RR4Vince : no
RR4Oscar : oh please jake ... i'm eating
RR4Jake : OS - car
RR4Vince : oscar how are your pants??
MTVog : Here's a big opener for y' all, CornutGir asks: how has road roads changed your life!!!
RR4Vince : girls like me now
RR4Jake : I wash my hair more now
RR4Vince : j/k
RR4Erika : nothing for me has changed too much
RR4Kalle : People ask me for my autograph now
RR4Jake : Who asks for autographs?
RR4Oscar : uhhh ... my morals are strong so i don't think RR changed me as a person...
RR4Erika : yeah who?
RR4Oscar : but it changed me as a human ...
RR4Kalle : Everyone ask for autographs
RR4Jake : Kalle is full of it
RR4Vince : we are all full of "it"
RR4Jake : get over your self
RR4Erika : Yes vin we are
RR4Jake : Vince types fast
RR4Vince : thnaks
RR4Jake : New questions
RR4Vince : where are all the questions????
MTVog : Bardenas wants to know: Did Road rules supply you with clothes for the show?
RR4Erika : does anybody care about us?
RR4Jake : Hells yes
RR4Erika : Yes lovely clothes
RR4Jake : Thank you Columbia
RR4Vince : yes they sent us clothes
MTVog : Luv Jess4 asks: Hey, was it hard to get a position on road rules?
RR4Erika : yes, its nothing to count on
RR4Oscar : not RR - the sponsors did -- but not all of 'em (the clothes that iz)
RR4Kalle : Not if you sleep with a produceer (HA HA HA)
RR4Vince : no, you just have to be yourself
RR4Erika : just be yourself
RR4Oscar : i think it's .... no.
RR4Jake : I saw the casting couch one too many times
MTVog : Blowpop71 wants to know: What happened to the horns? did u guys ever get them back?
RR4Jake : no
RR4Erika : no we never found the person who took them
RR4Jake : we got horney
RR4Vince : NO!! The coast guard sucks~!
RR4Kalle : We can't say
RR4Vince : jake is really 4 foot 3 in real life!
RR4Oscar : someone from the coast guard stuck 'em up their butts
MTVog : BENam wants to know: what was your favorite place you traveld to
RR4Erika : mine was st lucia
RR4Kalle : Grand Cayman Islands
RR4Jake : I liked that to Vince
MTVog : Jgarcia34 asks: it sux that people only get to see what is on the you think they make something bigger than it really was....what i'm asking is if Mtv really played up the drama oris pretty much true to what happened?
RR4Jake : It's 95 % reality 5 % ego
RR4Vince : occaisonally
RR4Erika : everything that happened really happened so whos to say
RR4Jake : Erika wasnt realy that big a snob
RR4Vince : yes she was!
RR4Vince : j/k
RR4Erika : yeah jake hair isnt really that bad
RR4Jake : Some things are toned down for our protection
RR4Oscar : it's as real as it can get ... if you look beyond that, you ruin the purpose of the show
RR4Erika : good one oski
RR4Vince : right on Oscar
RR4Jake : right on
RR4Kalle : They call it a docudrama
RR4Oscar : she was an even Bigger snob -- but we still love her ...
RR4Jake : I like snobs
RR4Kalle : everything that each of us did was real
RR4Erika : enough with the snob crap you idiots
RR4Vince : doodoo caca
RR4Kalle : but they make it look like who they want you to be
RR4Erika : just kidding
RR4Jake : Nobody wants to see real life...
RR4Jake : If they watched my real life
MTVog : Immature0 wants to know: Would you guys do this again?
RR4Oscar : i'd do it again in a second ....
RR4Vince : in a second
MTVog : RubyMoon1 asks: Kalle....Do you think you would have liked to be on The Real World instead of Road Rules?
RR4Jake : i'd be lying in front of the tv naked all the time.
RR4Kalle : I was in the finals for the real world and after meeting the real
world cast and talking to them I am so glad I did not do it
RR4Jake : REal World sucks Road Rules ass!
RR4Vince : jake, who played with themselves more? Me or you?
RR4Erika : we were glad she didnt go on realworld too
RR4Oscar : i'm glad we got her 'caus the Real World girls are all $%#%
MTVog : ANTHendri has one for His Nakedness: JAKE: HOW DID IT FEEL TO BE NAKED ON STAGE?
RR4Jake : You played with me most, Vince.
RR4Jake : A dream come true.
RR4Erika : jake loves to be nakes
RR4Vince : good typing Erika
RR4Erika : i mean naked
RR4Vince : Erica
RR4Erika : shut upp vvincce
RR4Oscar : it wasn't a big suprise for me ...
MTVog : Roman Brd wants to know: do you like the other casts of road rules?
RR4Vince : very much except for RR 3
RR4Erika : most of them were cool
RR4Jake : Yes, I hang out with Chris from Europe alot
RR4Kalle : yes, I hang out with some of them.
RR4Oscar : i did like the rest , but we're the best ... 'caus i don't think they'll find another jake
MTVog : SAS72879 asks:
Question : who has the worst habits? what are they?
RR4Vince : my beefeater farts
RR4Jake : Erika acts like she's 75.
RR4Erika : Vince has gas a lot
RR4Oscar : kalle erika or oscar
RR4Kalle : Oscar farts all the time
RR4Oscar : vince too
RR4Erika : yeah jake just got toilet trained
RR4Jake : Erika would drool on my head in her sleep.
RR4Jake : I almost drowned.
RR4Vince : oscar crapped in his pants uncontrollably
RR4Oscar : yer breath stinks and you're the one whose always farting -- jake I'll confirm that
RR4Jake : Yep.
RR4Erika : vince used his sock instead of toilet paper
RR4Jake : THaT's true.
RR4Vince : ...and damn proud of it!
RR4Vince : Kalle saw it...
RR4Jake : You sock crapping fool.
RR4Vince : that's not all I do with my socks!
MTVog : AliciaND wants to know: Is it wierd seeing yourself on television?
RR4Vince : yes.
RR4Erika : very strange
RR4Jake : Yes.
RR4Vince : I didn't realize how ugly I was
RR4Kalle : yes, I hate my voice on TV
RR4Vince : same here Kalle
RR4Oscar : it's worse to see myself in the morning every day ...
RR4Jake : I hate my run and my walk.
RR4Erika : vince you knew you were ugly
RR4Erika : j/k
RR4Vince : Erica, has a beard
RR4Jake : Erika's dentures kept falling out
RR4Erika : ha ha at least i dont run like a clown
RR4Vince : Kalle did you see the dance I was talking about?
MTVog: INVALID16 asks: what is it like having a camera crew follow you around and film all of you problems and good times?
RR4Jake: Cool.
RR4Vince: you get used to it after awhile
RR4Kalle: It is the weirdest thing I have ever done
RR4Kalle: and it got to the point I didn't even notice them
RR4Vince: answer me Kalle
MTVog: Shadowssk asks: If you could meet anyone in the world, who and why?
RR4Jake: Vince is a porn star.
RR4Vince: alive or dead?
RR4Jake: ALicia Silverstone. She's HOT!!!
RR4Jake: I'd like her better if she were dead.
RR4Vince: John Holmes
RR4Jake: I like dead chicks.
RR4Jake: I'd hate to meet John Holmes in an alley.
MTVog: B R Y 8 2 wants to know: Did everyone yet sea sick on the boat? From: Bryana
RR4Vince: NOT ME!!!!
RR4Kalle: Ron Jeremy
RR4Jake: Watch the show, you freak.
RR4Kalle: Just joking
MTVog: SAS72879 asks: who has the biggest attitude?
RR4Jake: Erika.
RR4Vince: all of us from time to time
RR4Jake: All of us, but Erika for real.
RR4Kalle: Oscar has the biggest ass
MTVog: Scorpi710 wants to know: When that other road rules person asked you to give her all your money what were you guys all thinking?
RR4Vince: get your knees dirty
RR4Jake: She has a nose job
RR4Kalle: She's the most annoying person I ever met
RR4Vince: besides you Kalle?
RR4Vince: j/k
RR4Jake: I wanted to smack the taste out of her mouth.
RR4Vince: wazup Dr. Dre'
RR4Vince: siiiiiiit
RR4Oscar: what a freak .... that's what i was thinking
MTVog: HotTopic8 asks: Why do you think you were chosen for this show, like, what made you stand out from all the other people they could have choosen?
RR4Vince: we're the bad news bears of Road Rules
RR4Jake: I was the tallest.
RR4Jake: Vince has a potty mouth.
RR4Vince: I'm double jointed
RR4Kalle: Honestly I have no idea.
RR4Jake: I can drop my jaw like an anaconda.
RR4Oscar: i'm $%^$% puerto rican , THAT made me stand out
RR4Jake: Kalle just so damn cute.
RR4Oscar: kalle - 'caus yer an airhead
RR4Vince: what happened to Erika??
RR4Jake: I'll kick your Puerto Rican ass.
RR4Jake: Just kidding.
MTVog: Rambler68 asks: whats it like to be stuck with that many people over that long of a period of time?
RR4Jake: I don't know.
RR4Kalle: Oscar cause he doesn't wear underwear
RR4Vince: I liked everyone, so it was a good time
RR4Oscar: i missed my rice and beans & chicken !
RR4Kalle: towards the end I got really annoyed with everybody
RR4Jake: I love em. I wouldn't have it any other way.
RR4Vince: even me Kalle??
RR4Jake: Even with me, Kalle?
MTVog: Biwilaca wants to know: Oscar,I am PR too.What part are you from and what do you think about being the only hispanic?
RR4Kalle: no never
RR4Jake: Oscar tried to make the Winnie a low rider.
RR4Vince: I've never had a better piece of PR meat than Oscar
RR4Oscar: i'm from Trujillo Alto ... it was great to be the only one to reprezent ...
RR4Oscar: i did it with a lot of love
RR4Vince: awww siiit
RR4Jake: West Side?!?
RR4Vince: word up
RR4Kalle: East side!
MTVog: Hollydrea wants to know: What will you miss most about Road Rules?
RR4Vince: Back side!
RR4Vince: the adventure
RR4Jake: All night orgies.
RR4Kalle: I will miss being on a trip paid for by MTV
RR4Jake: If the winnie's arocking...
RR4Vince: jake's naked body
RR4Oscar: jake's snoring and erika's bitching
RR4Kalle: Vince's jokes
RR4Vince: oscar's mom's cooking awww thanks
MTVog: GAMBIT818 follows up with: What are you all up to now?
RR4Vince: moving to L.A. in two weeks/ going to study film
RR4Jake: I'm going to school in New York.
RR4Oscar: trying to sleep right now ... and trying to grow more chest hair
RR4Kalle: I am living in Manhattan, and will be attending NYU in the fall
RR4Vince: wierd
RR4Jake: I'm humping sheep full time.
MTVog: JoNaThA84 asks: If you could only do one more thing on road rules what or where would you go?
RR4Vince: you too??
RR4Vince: mars
RR4Jake: Sky dive. or bungee jump
RR4Kalle: I would want to bungee Jump
RR4Vince: start a race war on the planet Pluto
MTVog: MdnghtTke wants to know: do you guys still keep in touch now that it is over?
RR4Vince: yes
RR4Jake: Who out there thinks Brian is too damn ugly?
RR4Oscar: coffee shop in amsterdam .... that's where i would take RR
RR4Kalle: Yeah, I talk to Jake, Vince, and Ericka & Oscar sometimes
RR4Jake: Yes. I avoid Erika like the plague. Everyone gang up on Erika.
RR4Oscar: yeah , of course i couldn't live without my little Nino Jako K and E
MTVog: Kfar56 wants to know: what kind of music do you guyz like?
RR4Jake: I like all types.
RR4Kalle: anything but country
RR4Jake: Country and Western
RR4Kalle: I like techno& funk
RR4Jake: Shout out to my moms.
RR4Oscar: i love jungle rave hyperbeat hip-hip ...
RR4Jake: I like funky techno.
RR4Vince: megadeth, faith no more, marilyn manson, primus, danzig, helmet, burt bacharach
RR4Kalle: Hip Hop or Trip Hop
RR4Oscar: anything that make's me move ... my favorite is Reggae roots and culture
RR4Vince: Lawrence Welk kicks ass
RR4Jake: I don't wantcha I don't needja.
RR4Vince: da da da no diggity
MTVOllie: Shadowssk asks: What was your audition tape like?
RR4Oscar: i like CLASSIC SALSA (Hector Ladoe, Ismael Rivera, etc.)
RR4Jake: I was in the recording studio talking about my dog.
RR4Vince: I love Mr. Bungle and Mike Patton's solo albums too. mine was direct and simple
RR4Kalle: It was just me walking around FT. Collins rollerblading Jumping on my trampaline and playing with my cat
RR4Oscar: i never sent one in ...
RR4Vince: how do you play with your
RR4Jake: Lay off my honey dip.
RR4Oscar: vince -- you're sick
RR4Vince: I"m kickin it live in south FLA!
RR4Oscar: vince -- i saw Apocalypse Now and I REALLY LIKED IT
RR4Vince: oscar, I love you for saying that. wierd?
MTVixen: We have time for one last question for Oscar, Kalle, Jake and Vince from Road Rules IV cast. By the way, we would like you to know that for this group, the Road Trip is still in full effect... Kalle is on the Cellular in the North Carolina's, Oscar is en terra firma in PR, and Vince is South of the Border in FLA and Erika is tucked away in San of Diego.
RR4Jake: I'm in the Big Apple.
MTVixen: We have time for one last question for this cast tonight:
MTVog: SAS72879 wants to know: Is Road Rules everything u expected?
RR4Vince: oh, how bad sister Eileen
RR4Kalle: Yes and ten times more.
RR4Vince: yes and no
RR4Jake: All that and then some.
RR4Jake: I got to meet Kalle thru the world's largest dating service.
MTVixen: Remember to surf over to Road Rules official website for more info at: and then click Tubescan and Road Rules and watch for brand new episodes each Monday on MTV! Thanks to the cast members of Road Rules IV for joining us here in the MTV Arena.
RR4Jake: I won't tell you who's my favorite.
RR4Vince: anymore questions?
MTVixen: And thanks to our audience for their questions, and participation. CYA soon.