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Swamp Rat's Frogs, Alligators, and Tadpoles

My kids didn't think I could still ski, but I showed 'em!

Swamprat and Coworkers

Top L-R: Swamp, Danny, Eddie
Bottom L-R: JoAnn, Florence

My 40th Class Reunion

Top L-R: David W., George S.
Bottom L-R: Lewis B., Fred S., Swamprat

Our Family's Newest Tadpole and His Proud Parents
Darren, Piggy, and Ian

Swamp at work

The Princess Tadpole at Christmas 1999

Back to the Swamp Rat's Nest
Cypress Bend
More Frogs, Alligators, and Tadpoles
On to Bedico Creek
On to Honey Island Swamp
On to Manchac Pass