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Manchac Pass

Welcome to my online photo album.

Opps!! Watch those Stumps!!!

They clean up better than a new penny!!

Micha, Marisa Victoria and Jonathan

Ian and Aunt Micha

Mark and Marisa St. Paddy's Day 2002

Micha wth instant family

The table will never be the same...Play Dough!!!

Darren with Micha 'l' and friends

Ian with Mom and Dad

Ian is all boy!!!

Evangelinebelle doing Tina Turner for Teacher appreciation Day

One of Swamp's Frogs got her a Tattoo

Our Oldest, Michele with 'the Grand Dog'

I Love Balloons !!

Put in pictures from your last vacation.

'Grand Dog' with Mommie in Ohio

Jim with Gracie Checking the View in West Virginia

Jim and Gracie on an Expedition in the Woods of West Virginia

'Enough is Enough!' Gracies says. 'I want that squirrel over there,
Besides my mommie is sleeping!'

Balloons, Hold on to them tight

Back to the Swamp Rat's Nest
Back to Frogs, Alligators, and Tadpoles
Back to More Frogs, Alligators, and Tadpoles
Back to Bedico Creek
Back to Honey Island Swamp
On to The Fairmont Hotel
On to Cypress Bend

Balloons are Fun !!