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The Rope

This story is a different version of "The Hook."
Let's see. Everything that happened in the Hook happened in this story up until the radio announcement. The killer didn't have a hook this time. LIke in the Hook, Bill has to go pee. He leaves and Susy cant see outside because of the fog on the windows. ANYWAY, after a while Susy hears this scratching on the roof of the car. Then an occansional BANG. The bangs faded off but the stratching didn't. Susy didn't know what to do so she stayed in the car and finally fell asleep. She woke up to a police officer banging on the window. Susy got out of the car and the officer kept telling her NOT to look back. Susy pushed away from the officer and looked back to see her boyfriend Bill hanging from a tree. His feet were stratching on the roof w/ the wind. He was alive for only a while and he tried to get Susy's attention by banging on the roof. He died very shortly after.

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