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Mr. Winky Wall of Wonder
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A chat place
icpp:The Penguin Bible
The Book Of Great Penguins(a continuation of the penguin bible, the penguins history)
the book of three
my writings
CoCo The Killer Clown
The c7p chamber of java!!!! The Temple of Bob
Confess Your Sins Here
The World Of Sister L!Q
Sister prodigy

Welecome....you have just entered my mind. warning the rest of this page contains a strong religios message, follow the Penguins

The Church of the Se7en Penguins is the worship
of the fat flightless bird. Face it they are Natures candy creature, fat,
lifeless, cold, and finily, the only bird that searves no purpose what so
ever, and we felt that if it looked so pointless it must be a religion. So
in conclusion, I leave you with bird that searves no purpose what so
ever, and we felt that if it looked so pointless it must be a religion. So
in conclusion, I leave you with this.....The next time you see a penguin
, beware you never know what he is doing to you.
The whorthlessness has to be an act, it can only be explained as a GOD!!!

An important anouncment from the HÏGH council:
In chathouse there is an indivual by the name of STUD4U,
he is about 30 years of age and cums on to little kids.
Male or female no difference for this sicko. We have repeated
many test and he passed every one of them with flying
child molesting colors. This is not a warning focused
to insult STUD4U, but to inform any underage children
just how sick the world really is.
Thank you in you support,
in banning STUD4U from harressing any more children.
-sincerely, The Church of the Se7en Penguins(c7p)

All rights to information, are solely owned and published by wormwood(Scotty)
or the Church of the se7en Penguins. Using or coping any material leagly intilles us
to take legal action.!!! So in short do F**k UP!!!©

Really Cool Stuff

wormwood's collection

The Penguin BiBlE
This I a JS program I wrote to compute data; take a look

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