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In Memory of Glynn Carpenter, Sr.

Glynn Carpenter Sr.


A wonderful husband, father and Grandfather.
He died at the age of 58 in a car accident, a day we will always remember. He was a friend to everyone and helped anyone in need.
He left us with so many wonderful memories.

He is survived by Pet, his wife of 39 years, a daughter and son-in-law Judi and Mike Walker, two sons, Glynn and Kenny Carpenter.
One grandson, Shane, five granddaughters, Glynnis, Susan, Jennie, Laurie and Christy.
He now has twin greatgranddaughters, Krista and Kristen, greatgrandsons, Trent and Jonathan, greatgranddaughters Nicole and Julie.

Shane joined Paw-paw in Heaven on Oct. 27, 1997.

To My Beloved Glynn

We are approaching our third year without you. You are as much in our thoughts and hearts as if it were only yesterday. We rejoice that you are with our Heavenly Father and know that you are happy.

Life has not been easy without you and your loving guidance, but we know we must go on without you, and that you are looking down on us and urging us on. All of our decisions have not been wise ones but I think you would be very proud of all your children and grandchildren and their accomplishments.

You were a wonderful husband, father and grandfather. Everyone whose life you touched along the way is a better person for having known you. You are sorely missed by all of your family and friends.

Knowing that I have your blessings makes going on that much easier.

Your Loving Wife Pet

Daddy, I gave you your first grandchild and your only grandson,
he was your buddy. You two were so close. Shane took your death so hard. Now he is gone too, you two buddies are together again. Please take care of him for me. And I will take care of Mom for you.

Someday we will all be together again.
Til that day, we will keep you two in our hearts.
Love Judi

One of my favorite pictures of my Dad and Shane.

Jennie and Laurie will always remember the Watermelon Rabbit, a rabbit who came and left watermelons in the yard. Paw-Paw was the only one who who ever saw him.
The Watermelon Rabbit

Other pages for Glynn

Seven Years


Paw-Paw is an Angel

Paw-Paw is an angel up in Heaven's sky,
He's got shiny wings so that he can fly,
On his head he wears a halo like a hat,
And he may wear a white dress, I'd really like to see that,
He probably plays jokes on the other angels up there,
Like hiding their halo, or tying a knot in their hair,
He watches over us and makes sure we're okay,
We can talk to him in our hearts every day,
We miss him and he misses us too,
Jesus wanted him in Heaven, so that is what he had to do,
So Paw-Paw is an angel, I hope he behaves and pays attention,
Cause if he's bad, Jesus may put him in detention!

Judi Walker
Copyright 98
Written in memory of
Glynn Carpenter (Paw-Paw)
for Jennie & Laurie


Daddy, I miss you so much,
Your voice, your smile, your touch,
There are so many things I'd like to say to you,
So many things left to do,
Your death took us all by surprise,
There are so many things left unsaid when someone dies,
I wish I had said I love you,
I wish I had told you how much I appreciated you too,
All my life you were there for me,
You always worked hard to take care of your family,
I wish that I had told you that I was glad that you were my Dad,
When things are left unsaid, it's so sad,
I'm sorry I didn't say all things I wanted to say,
I thought there was time, there would be another day,
Thank you for always being there,
For your love, your laughter, for giving more than your share,
Thank you for your support, for all the sacrefices you made,
I love you Daddy and I'm so sorry for things left unsaid.

Judi Walker
Copyright 98
In memory of my Dad
Glynn Carpenter Sr

Message To Heaven

Ayear has come and gone,
Since the Lord called you home,
In our
hearts you left an empty space,
But our
pain is eased knowing you're in a
better place,
We hold on to our memories,
And there are so many of these,
Your smile,
your laughter, your loving ways,
These carry us
through the darkest days,
So when you look
upon us from your Heavenly Home,
Know that
even though it's hard, we keep going on,
Because we
know our time too will come someday,
And you'll
be there waiting, to lead our way.

Judi Walker
Copyright 98
In memory of Glynn Carpenter
my Dad

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