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Buford Speaks

dis here Buford, Buf fer short...uh, sorry vertically challengd' folks, Buford a six foota', but will squat 'cassionaly fer good lookn' gal, 'specially ifn' gots purty feetys, hehehe.
likes/dislikes: likes made n' 'merica thangs, likes Charlton Heston fella', likes cold beer, likes purty gals, likes some aints' so purty, pentdins' on how much cold beer done 'summd' lol.
dislikes: made n' gookland products, Clinton, hot beer, gals wit ugly feets-no matta' how much beer done had! lol, hates totalitarianism n' facistism, n' most otta' "ism's"
OK friends n' foe 'like(Buf gots foe?)
purpose a dis here site is to showcase some rong doin's Buf gots 'cussd' of ova' at dis here chat joint, let Buf friends make up own mind-a-roo ifn' Buford done rong r' some ova' zealous mod fella' 'bused his powr'!
This is Buford, Buf for short. I am sorry vertically challenged people, Buford is 6 foot tall, but will squat occasionally for a good looking gal, especcially is she has pretty feet, laugh.
My likes and dislikes, made in America items, actor, Charlton Heston, COLD beer, pretty girls, and some that are not so pretty depending on how many COLD beers he has consumed, laughs.
Dislikes: Made in other country products, Bill Clinton the President of the United States, HOT beer, girls with ugly feet-no matter how many beers he has had, laughs. Hates: Totalitarianism, Facistism, and most other 'isms.
Ok Friends and Foe, like (Does Buf have any foe)
The purpose of this here site is to showcase some wrong doings buf has been accused of at Personal Frames chat room in Webmaze chat site. This is for you to make up your own minds, whether Buford did something wrong to some over zealous moderator, who possibly abused his power and booted Buford from the room.
Below you will find a link to the next page. On that page is the transcripts of what happened that day while Buford was in the room. Please read the whole transcripts and we apologize for any embarrassment we may be causing to innocents in the room at the time.


Transcripts from Personal Frames in Webmaze