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"When at the dinner table, never mention politics, sex, or money. It may cause the people at the table to be uncomfortable or start an agrument."

There are, of course, many other cliches that are either funny, useful, or flat out annoying. Here are some examples:

Getting "into the swing of things"
No need to "invent the wheel again"
You'll see this in most political speeches: "It's time to see how great a nation we can be." or "We're the leaders of the free world."
"Break a leg."
Something is "for the birds."
May people "stretch the truth."
A person "hasn't got a pot to piss in (nor a window to throw it out)."
To put a stop to an action is to "nip in the bud."
My favorite one not to listen to: "better safe than sorry."
For those damn optimists, "after the rain comes a rainbow."
"He's off his rocker."
Hee hee, "been smokin the wacky tabaccy."
My personal favorite: "No shit, Sherlock."
Dad used to tell me this about eating vegetables: "it'll put hair on your chest." And I'm thinking "Why would I want that???"
Something is "softer than a sneaker full of shit."
Come on, "get a move on."
You just "can't place a finger on it." Have you tried a toe?
"Whatever tickles your fancy."
"He's like school in the summer ...No class."
A "four letter word," but I can think of some that aren't really four letters. Just ask, I'll tell ya all of em.
"As nervous as a long tailed cat in a living room full of rockers."
(I'm all over that)..."like a duck on a junebug." Someone please explain to me the logic in this one.
One from my high school chemistry teacher: "Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades."
"Put your best foot forward."
"Keep your nose clean"
Mom says I have "a mouth like a sailor." But so does my high school chem teacher.
What Mom says goes "in one ear and out the other"
"Bless her/his heart" Southern translation: "poor little idoit."
"Stiffer than a 2 peckered billy goat."
"Poetry in motion."
"Don't take any wooden nickles."
"He's a few fries short of a happy meal."
"Holy shit and shove me in it."
"Run it up the flagpole and see who slautes it."
Another from my chem teacher: You're just "SOL." (Shit Out of Luck)
When taking a test still drunk from the night before, you might as well "assume position." 'Cause you are screwed.
That person "fell down the ugly tree and hit every branch."
"Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker." I love college!
When the "shit hits the fan."
One of my favorite teachers was a "Jewish-American princess"
Tallahassee is "hotter than two rats screwing in a wool sock in the desert."
Sady, I am "stone cold sober" at the moment.
My philosophy, "it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission."
"She goes through money like a fart through a pair of jeans."
What Pavel thinks about Lauren and me: "Act your age!"
Did this "tickle your fancy?"

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