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Laura's ENC1145 English Page

"If I bore you, that is that. If I am clumsy, that may indicate
partly the difficulty of my subject, and the seriousness with which I am
trying to take what hold I can of it; more certainly it will indicate my youth,
my lack of mastery of my so-called art or craft, my lack of perhaps talent...
A piece of the body torn out by the roots might be more to the point."
~James Agee

I'm Laura (obviously) and you, being the lucky person that you are, have stumbled upon my page for my ENC1145 english class. If you're not in the class you're going to think I'm strange, but we had to do this-- I swear. :) I made this when I was a freshman at Florida State University where it is still hotter than a well digger's ass in December. I miss it terribly. Not. Anyway, click on the links below for whatever classic piece of literature-- by me-- you'd like to view. Or ya know, whatever. There are also links to various sites I like (including mine which is by far the coolest). Okay, don't have too much fun now!!!

Merry Christmas!!! (Or Happy Holidays if you feel Merry Christmas is politically incorrect.)

Benefits of Computers- Mainly about my experiences with computers and how society would more or less fall apart without them. Computers and I have a love/hate relationship, but we go to counseling and are beginning to work things out.

Online Romance in Chat Rooms- Or lack there of... whatever. I went to three very different online romance chat rooms that can be found through AOL. Middle-aged Romance, Young Romance, and Gay Romance were the rooms I visited. It was the highlight of my Saturday night. Love my life, I swear.

Things You Should Never Mention at a Dinner Party- A story about what would happen if I had a dinner party and invited 3 different people (all of whom have written articles relating to the Napster case) with the intent of discussing the case. I promise I didn't cook and no, the ending doesn't involve everyone having too much wine and falling into bed together. Promise. It's a cute little essay. 5 stars.

Things You Should Never Mention at a Dinner Party... the stories behind the story- The hypertext addition to Things You Should Never Mention at a Dinner Party. A must read. Absolutely fabulous. That and I worked my ass off on it so you all should appreciate the hard work. Many, many perfectly good drinking hours were passed up to work on this one. It's so worth it though.

My Home

And if you are so moved, feel free to e-mail me. Committed to Awareness. Education. Activism. Empowerment.

Why would anyone let a man decide what a woman is permitted to do to her body? If it didn't originate with women or the Goddess, if it does not spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially benefit women, it does not serve women. Sign the petition-- you can make a difference.

Amy Ray (one of the Indigo Girls) has her very own indie label! Support Independent Music and take responsibility for your ears! You are what you hear... Check it out; she's signed a lot of really talented artists and Daemon is also where I'm interning this summer. Yeah baby, yeah.

And because I'm sure you're dying to know more about me, here it is. Ask and you shall recieve.

***My Disclaimer***
Personally, I have no idea how anyone could find any of the things that are contained in this site to be any more offensive than life in general (which, admittedly can get pretty bad), but if you are someone who is easily disturbed, please slowly remove your hand from the mouse, turn off your computer, and crawl back to whatever hole you live in. Please also be warned that if you don't have a sense of humor, you're in the wrong place.The information contained on this page consists of my opinions. However, it is my opinion that my opinions are the facts...

I just added this, so it looks like I'm not cool. But I am. Really.