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Within Your Heart

Get lost Jareth, how many times have I told you I'm not
accepting anymore of your lousy offers?

'Allo. Yes. You. Who else could I be refering to? Welcome to my website dedicated to the beautiful vintage 1986 fantasy movie Labyrinth! A movie which can only be described as special and powerful on the minds and hearts of the little Lost & Lonely who have found it. I have created this website to share my love and appreciation of this movie. Please feel free to have a prod around. Of course I won't poison you. What are you talking about? ~Shirlee Catherine


Buy the Labyrinth Video off me if you're in Aus!

Buy the Labyrinth Poster at!

NEW STUFF (18 AUG 2002):

Transcript of recent David Bowie Interview where he mentions ba-ba-ba-bum Labyrinth

Site History - How this site came to be!


Into The Labyrinth - what the Henson is this Labyrinth movie thingy?
Galleries - pix from my own private collection
Library - articles, books, behind the scenes & heaps of matching pics
Music Hall - song lyrics, funny facts
Merchandise - a guide on collecting Labytinth merchandise
Treasures - precious things
Goblins - really annoying things
Links - Jump, Magic, Jump!

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is owned by Shirlee

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This It's Only Forever... site owned by Shirlee.
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Viva! Break out the scrabble! Banner by Fairy Glamour

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Angelfire Site of the Day: 1/11/01


To the amazing Mads of A Tribute to Jennifer Connelly who let me borrow her screen grabs that I feature at the top of some of my pages to make them all pretty. Please support her for lending me this service! Good onya Mads!


COPYRIGHT: Labyrinth belongs to Labyrinth Enterprises, 1986 & associated parties. Labyrinth Within Your Heart belongs to Underground Productions. Jareth belongs to me. Hahahahaha! Oh. No he doesn't.

SITE DESIGN: This site is created using Angelfire's Advanced Editor and basic HTML script for a minimal, quick loading look and format. Honestly, I have no idea how to web design. The colours are based on one of the original Labyrinth title designs. This website was my first ever, my little baby, it's 2 years old this year!

SITE NAME: People ask me where I get the site name from ... considering it doesn't have 'Labyrinth' in it and is permanently at the BOTTOM of every search list. If you've been clever, you'd have noticed it's a line from As The World Falls Down. "I'll place the moon within your heart". As to why I chose it, dont' ask! I was quite a silly thing back then :)

MISSION STATEMENT: Oh aren't we so very Sir-Lancelot about this? Anyway, this site aims to bring together as much info, pictures and goodies on Laby as possible under one site. So you can have your cake and eat him too. Oops. I did say 'it' didn't I?


Site Conceived: Oct 1999
Site created: Jan 2000
Updated monthly at the minimum
You are lucky Goblin Number:

Unite for Peace - Support Elizabeth Allen's (a caring fellow Labyrinth Listian's) initiative to do things the peaceful way.

GBA - Between here and 1987 has been a very long wait....