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New junk added to the growing glitter-covered heap at this website


18 AUGUST 2002:
Hi folks, the site is now back to normal I hope! To quickly recap - Angelfire downsized my account and randomly deleted my files (fragin ardvaar!), but now I think I have restored everything. Thanks for everyone's support, you've been very nice and I appreciate it. I hope to do more things with the site soon!


18 AUGUST 2002:
**This site is back up and running after some unfortunate hitches

**This little site is 2-and-a-half-years now and I have written a little history-about-the-site thingy. We have come a long way, it's been a brilliant journey.

**Dave was recently interviewed by Current Affairs show "60 Minutes" over here in Australia and to everyone's horror, he did mention Jareth - about how mothers bring their kiddies up to him and go "This is Jareth!". Cute :) you can read the transcription here.

10 AUGUST 2002:
**I have a new section on the contents where you can see what's new on this site at a glance ... plus I have this new 'new' icon - .... I think I'm going to stick it everywhere now.

18 MAY 2002:
**New page in the making for Labyrinth song lyrics. So far I only have Dance Magic (or Magic Dance if you prefer) and I'm searching for cool facts about the music.

23 FEBRUARY 2002:
**The Labyrinth Picture Book has been updated, with all graphic links restored. It includes new, never-seen-before-on-the-net illustrations by Bruce McNally I put in there for a treat.

22 FEBRUARY 2002:
**I'm very sorry for the new pop-up Lycos ad that my site now has. It's not my idea, I'm not putting it there to get paid because it's really annoying and I've never supported pop-ups. But Angelfire have to pay their keep somehow. Just keep it minimised (as opposed to closing it) and that should be enough to keep the little critter at bay.

19 FEBRUARY 2002:
**New intro essay - whipped up in one sitting, so might be a bit rushed sounding ... but I hope it sounds spontaneous and passionate as well.


**Labyrinth Family Values Ratings - If you've ever wondered how kid appropriate Labyrinth is, check out this delightful article where Labyrinth is rated among other things - for crimes and substance abuse.



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