"You want to get to the castle?"
"How's that for brainpower, huh?"
"Be quiet"
"Aw, nuts""Quite often young lady, it seems like we're not getting anywhere,
when in fact ... we are.""You kissed me!"
"Don't pretend to be so hard. I know you're my friend"
"Uh! What is it?"
"The Bog of Eternal Stench"
"I’ve never smelt anything like it. It’s like … like …."
"I doesn’t matter what it’s like
"It’s the Bog of Eternal Stench!""The smell!"
"I smell nothing. I live by my sense of smell. [Sniff] the air is sweet and fragrant!"
"Let's handle this logically. What exactly have you sworn?"
"I have sworn with my lifeblood no one shall pass
without my permission."
"Well ... may we have your permission?"
"Well, I, uh ... yes?""Hoggle!"
"Fair maiden, I will save thee ... somehow"
"I was searching for something"
"Well, look here! Hmm?"
"Lancelot? Thank you"
"That's what you were looking for, wasn't it my dear?"
"Yes, I forgot""Sir Didymus, be quiet now"
"I don't see why we have to be so quiet, "it's only a Goblin City"
"I must face him alone"
"That's the way it's done."
"Give me the child"
"Sarah beware. I have been generous up until now, but I can be cruel" "You asked for the child to be taken. I took him. You cowered before me. I *was* frightening. I have reoredered time. I have turned the world upside-down, and I have done it all for you!"
"Generous! What have you done that's generous?""Everything! Everything that you wanted I have done."
"I am exhausted from living up to your
expectations of me. Isn't that generous?""Stop! Wait!
Look what I'm offering you --
Your dreams"
My kingdom is great ... "Just fear me, love me, do as I say, and I will be your slave."
My kingdom is great ...
You have no power over me ...
You have no power over me!
"I need you Hoggle"
"You --you do?"
"I don't know why, but every now and again in my life,
for no reason at all, I need you -- all of you"
"You remind me of the babe" What babe?
"The babe with the power" What power?
"The power of vodoo" Who do?
"You do" Do what? "Remind me of the babe"5, 6, 12, 20, 22, 23 & 24 (excluding title pic) kindly contributed from mulitple sources, rest scanned by moi :)